The Daily Blueprint /Wednesday/ 8-20-08
The Word:
The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 13
Luke 14:13
...But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind...
Our attitude towards the poor should be the same as Jesus' , we must be willing to love the unlovable - the marginalized - those without possessions - those with needs -the need is overwhelming - but God is faithful and He has called many to help in this cause -its not just one part of the Body of Christ though that should be helping the poor -we all should - its not the easiest job - but it's rewards are very great! Just to be used by God to change even one life can be life changing for those He has called - helping the poor is not about what we can do for them - but what God can do through us to help them - its not on our shoulders -its on the mighty shoulders of Almighty God! He will show you if you ask Him - there are needs that present themselves everyday - I love today's verse- because when I think of a party - I want to invite my best friends -I want to invite my family - but when it comes to the homeless and poor I am not so sure in my flesh I would invite them - but Jesus says we should - We should not be a respecter of persons since God is not - He loves us all the same and we all must come to Him the same way - through the blood of Jesus - God has given us all we have - we have not "earned" a thing - its all given - we have nothing that we got without God's help - the poor need you today - their problems and needs won't go away overnight - still God has a special plan for each of us - we all have a purpose - sometimes we just don't know where to begin - I believe we should invite those who have needs into our lives - just like Jesus says to invite them to a banquet - allow God to use to you feed their needs - and by doing so you will receive so much more - its not about doing good works so good things happen to us - its about honoring God - so when you have a party -why not invite those you didn't plan on - so that you can minister to them -believe me this is a hard call - its not easy - but Jesus never said it would be!
The Final Word:
We should be imitators of Jesus - we should be doing what He does!
CHRIST loves all!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 8/20/08
There is no job to big when you allow GOD to do it in you!
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