

The Daily Blueprint /Tuesday/ 8-12-08

The Word:

The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 8

Mark 10:14
When Jesus saw this (The disciples trying to keep the kids from Jesus) He was indignant! He said to them, "Let the children come to Me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these..."

Today's verse is one that Dr.Wess Stafford of Compassion International always uses to tell others of the need to help the children of our world - he says that children are the ones who suffer most when there are problems. Its the children that are the people of tomorrow- and they need help - many are suffering at the hands of poverty - Jesus has called us to reach out to those in need - and not to hinder them - the disciples where not trying to mean I don't believe -they thought it was more important for Jesus to rest then for Him to be bothered by some rug-rats - but Jesus saw it differently - He saw their need and His love for them compelled Jesus to reach out to them - to touch then with His holy hands of love and develop a personal relationship with each child that came to Him - you see Jesus never turned away anyone - no matter where they fit into society - He loves all people - HE does not divide them the same way we do - many times adults think of kids are second class citizens but Jesus didn't take that view and neither should we - I don't have any natural children - but yet God has called me to help the children in my life -those at church - those that God places in my path - to reach out to them - many of them just need a little love and attention - where is God calling you? Maybe its to sponcer a child in need in a far off land - Maybe its to be a big brother or sister to a child in your town - maybe its to become a Youth minister or to work with Awana or some other facet of need - the point Jesus has made is that we should love them and help them and in doing so we serve Jesus Himself - so don't hinder the children in your life -but let them come to JESUS - for He is all they really need -be Jesus to a child today - love them in HIS name!

The Final Word:
To sponcer a child through Compassion - visit
through Mission of Mercy - visit
or through World Vision - visit
Help a child in need today!
CHRIST held the children in His arms of love and hope!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 8/12/08
Jesus says we must come to Him like a child!
Let's bring as many children to Him as we can!

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