The Daily Blueprint /Thursday/ 8-7-08
The Word:
The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 5
2nd Corinthians 8:3,14
For I testify that they gave as much as they where able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own... At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need. Then there will be equality!
God's message that inspired Paul was this - that our plenty will supply for the needs of those without - many times we overlook the blessings God has given us - we tend to think what we have belongs to us - but it really does not - its all belongs to God - its all from God and it all goes back to God -
without Him - there would be nothing! God sees us all as equal - although man may rate people - God gets the final say - and what He says is always true - for God cannot lie! He wants His children to share - He wants us to love each other -and He longs for the lost to be saved - that's the whole point after all - the saving of many for the glory of God -
one way this is displayed is helping those in need -
I want to continue to pound this message this month -
I pray that some of you have looked at where you can help -
and I hope some of you are doing things that don't come naturally - so that God gets all the glory - from birth we are taught many things -some are very good while others not so good - one thing we seem to be saying is to be self-sufficient - do what you can do and then ask God - this is not the way it should be at all - the same goes with helping the needy - lets never get to a place where we feel we are better then those we help - once pride slips in - the gospel message is removed - for those we help will no longer see Jesus in our actions - we must spend much time in prayer and seek what God will have us do - there are needs around us everyday - join in the fight against poverty - spread the gospel through your love of His people!
The Final Word:
Our Mission: To love others by helping with their needs -
The outcome: totally up to God and not us!
Listen and obey! That's it!
CHRIST gives us so much so we can share!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 8/7/08
What we have is not ours - it all belongs to GOD!
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