The Daily Blueprint /Wednesday/ 8-13-08
The Word:
The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 9
Proverbs 19:17
He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward him for what he has done.
The life we now live does not belong to us at all - it all belongs to God - once we have known Christ- we get a clearer picture of this - we are called to be living sacrifices - this means putting aside what we want for the larger good - I admit this is not an easy task - the world in which we live is all about the flesh - about the pleasure that is here for the taking - there has a gradual shift from morality to immorality in this world -what was taboo 20 years ago is now mainstream - kids are being taught how to be selfish at an earlier and earlier age - (not that any of us even needed help!) Now affairs are hardly blinked at - and marriages not lasting long is not a surprise anymore -and it seems like we allow filth to enter into our lives day by day - there is but one thing that can be done to fix this - its a complete surrender to Jesus Christ - many of us have enough JESUS to save us - but not enough to make us holy!
We must be about our Father's business - the time is now - one verse (I don't know the address) but it says that we must work while it is day - for the night is coming and no man can work - this day has been given to you by God - He wants us to use it all for His glory - what would be better then having used up your life glorifying Jesus!? We are called to help those around us - the poor -the needy - the young - and when we do as God leads us to do - He will then reward us - what an awesome God we serve - He gives us all we have and then asks us and leads us to help others and He turns around and blesses us! Maybe you don't feel comfortable helping the poor - start out small - and always put your trust in Jesus allowing Him to work though you - you can change the life for one person - do as God leads you! Help those who the world has rejected and receive God's blessing!
The Final Word:
When people hear the world blessing they often think of good things- while this is true - a blessing from God may not always look good from our worldly viewpoint - so don't give money expecting God to give you money in return - He will always give us something better then we give - you cannot out give God! Amen!
CHRIST came to save that which was lost -
be found in HIM today!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 8/13/08
The poor are here for us to help!
The Word:
The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 9
Proverbs 19:17
He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward him for what he has done.
The life we now live does not belong to us at all - it all belongs to God - once we have known Christ- we get a clearer picture of this - we are called to be living sacrifices - this means putting aside what we want for the larger good - I admit this is not an easy task - the world in which we live is all about the flesh - about the pleasure that is here for the taking - there has a gradual shift from morality to immorality in this world -what was taboo 20 years ago is now mainstream - kids are being taught how to be selfish at an earlier and earlier age - (not that any of us even needed help!) Now affairs are hardly blinked at - and marriages not lasting long is not a surprise anymore -and it seems like we allow filth to enter into our lives day by day - there is but one thing that can be done to fix this - its a complete surrender to Jesus Christ - many of us have enough JESUS to save us - but not enough to make us holy!
We must be about our Father's business - the time is now - one verse (I don't know the address) but it says that we must work while it is day - for the night is coming and no man can work - this day has been given to you by God - He wants us to use it all for His glory - what would be better then having used up your life glorifying Jesus!? We are called to help those around us - the poor -the needy - the young - and when we do as God leads us to do - He will then reward us - what an awesome God we serve - He gives us all we have and then asks us and leads us to help others and He turns around and blesses us! Maybe you don't feel comfortable helping the poor - start out small - and always put your trust in Jesus allowing Him to work though you - you can change the life for one person - do as God leads you! Help those who the world has rejected and receive God's blessing!
The Final Word:
When people hear the world blessing they often think of good things- while this is true - a blessing from God may not always look good from our worldly viewpoint - so don't give money expecting God to give you money in return - He will always give us something better then we give - you cannot out give God! Amen!
CHRIST came to save that which was lost -
be found in HIM today!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 8/13/08
The poor are here for us to help!
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