

The Daily Blueprint /Tueday/ 8-19-08

The Word:

The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 12

Micah 6:8
He has showed you, oh man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God!

The word in today's verse I want to focus on is Mercy - God says we are to love Mercy - for in one sense - Mercy has been given to all of us in the blood of Jesus - We are not getting what we do deserve and God is withholding the penalty of our sin so long as we put our trust in Jesus Christ for forgiveness of our sin - sin is the reason for death -sin is the reason for so many broken and unhappy lives in the world today - sin is the reason for all bad in this world- God could end this world at any time - He could and would be righteous to do so - we don't deserve His mercy at all -we deserve hell - sometimes people want to soften those words - but I feel we have to tell the truth - hell is real - and if you don't know Christ your sins won't be forgiven and that's bad - loving Mercy is part of what our new make up should be - we should be merciful to others -its very hard with our human nature - this also relates to the poor around us - to be sure many of them got to the place they are because of many wrong choices - but some due to mental illness or something that we not the fault - the fact are we live in a fallen world and sin runs rampant in this place. The poor will always be with us so long as the world is here - the poor have desperate needs - and God has called on us to met those needs -the task at hand is large - and we must go to God with our requests - and to see just who we should help, God loves those who are poor - just as much as HE loves those that are rich - in the scheme of things poverty is not a lack of money - but a lack of opportunity -
there are those walking the streets tonight that used to have a successful marriage - or job - but now have lost it all -let's bring them Jesus so that they too can share in the hope that we have!

The Final Word:
Our lives should be all about love!
CHRIST showed us love by dying on the cross....
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 8/19/08

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