

The Daily Blueprint /Monday/ 8-18-08

The Word:

The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 11

Jeremiah 22:16
He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well. Is that not what it means to know Me? declares the Lord

If we know Jesus then our lives ought to reflect what we are inside - there are times however when who we are gets lost in the day to day trials of life - we tend to lose focus and if we are not careful we can fall prey to negativity that does nothing more then drain the power of Jesus in our lives - we can say all day we know Him but if our lives are no different and He cannot be seen in our lives- we may want to sit down and pray and seek His face to be sure we really do belong to Him - I am in no way saying for you to question your salvation but to just reflect to see if you are allowing Jesus Christ to live in you and through you - when we come to know Him - He takes up residence in our hearts -now you can still go your own way but there will be no joy in that - today's verse talks about the fact that our Savior met the needs of the poor around Him - He loved them and spent a great deal of time on earth with them - He often said that those who are sick have need a a doctor - but those that are well don't - He loves everyone for He made them all - We too must follow the lead of Jesus - We must be willing to love those that we simply don't like -we must be about love - love for our fellowman and above all love for our Lord - Do as Jesus commands you - not what a man says for you to do - there is no power in doing what man says - but all power in doing just as Christ did - are there poor and needy people that you know that need some help? Ask Jesus where He wants you to work and then work - its that simple - lets make sure we know Christ before we lead others to Him - for without His Spirit -we cannot do a single thing!

The Final Word:
I am often perplexed when met with a need - I often see people broken down on the side of the road - this seems to be common no matter what part of the US you live in - many times I have stopped - but other times I have not - when these present themselves - we must be willing to do what the Lord tell us to do - this requires us to actually carry on a conversation with Him - He will never lead you wrong! Trust in HIM above all!
CHRIST came to save the lost - to heal the sick - and help the poor!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 8/18/08
You can make a difference in someone's life today!

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