

The Daily Blueprint /Thursday/ 8-21-08

The Word:

The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 14

1st Corinthians 13:3
If I give all I have to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing!

We can do many good things with our lives - We can serve the poor - we can help those with needs we see each day we live. We can offer to sacrifice ourselves for the needs of those around us - but without love - its all in vain - we need to be sure we do what we do for the right reasons - if we do what we do to earn God's favor - we have missed the whole reason we should do what we do - its about bringing God glory - you see we are His representatives to the world around us - what the world needs is love - love is what God calls us to do with those we come in contact with - we should be about the Father's business of loving others - after all God loves us and the people He has called on us to help- God could met the needs of everyone - but He has chosen to use us - what a privilege to be used by God to do His work - the poor need help- many are desperate - many have not eaten anything in quite some time and its difficult to met the needs - but with Love from God - we can do all things - Christ gives us the strength to do the work He has called us to do - we must be all about love- for its through the Love GOD has shown us through His Son that make it possible for us to love others. God has a mission for each of us - we need to seek His face and do as He says - and always be motivated by Love and that alone -not personal gain or so we can feel better about ourselves -its so we can actively worship God with not only our mouths but our whole selves! Amen!

The Final Word:
Many people do good things so they can feel good -
we should do good things because we love GOD!


CHRIST shows us what real live compassion is!


- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 8/21/08
To have compassion on others -we must be willing to share in their pain and suffering -

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