The Daily Blueprint /Monday/ 8-25-08
The Word:
The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 16
Psalm 140:12
I know that the Lord secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy!
Jesus Christ cares for the poor - He cares for those caught in sin - drug abuse, HE cares for those that no one else cares for - and as His children we are called to do the same - we are to love others - not judge them -we are to reach out to those with less and give them out of our excess - we all have too much while others around us don't have enough -It pleases God when we help those in need- and in essence we are helping Him - God cares - that's the truth - many wonder where He is if He cares - that question was answered over 2,000 years ago when God sent His Son to die for our sin - when He suffered for sins He never committed - the Word of God says that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself - Jesus came on a rescue mission to save the spiritually poor - in the same we are called to help those with physical - emotional and mental needs - God will give us the power by which to do these things - if we try on our own - it won't work out the best way - God cares -that's today's message- He has not left us alone - He is not far away - He is right here with you today - He loves you with a love that never ends - He loves you and those around you - He looks at all of us the same - Is there anyone you know who needs help today - maybe just a smile or a kind word - it really does not take much - we have the greatest example of helping the poor in Christ and what He did - we are to do the same things!
The Final Word:
The facts are God sees the needs of this world - and He has sent us into the fields to do HIS work-what greater call is there on our lives then to serve the Most High God? What more can we ever hope to do with our lives then reach out to others in HIS name!?! Lets remember He is the master and we are His servants! Not the other way around!
CHRIST Fills the needs of those in need!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 8/25/08-
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