


-------Day 15-------

PSALM 82:3-4
Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed . Rescue the weak and needy.....

Do you feel the call of God on your life to help the needy and the poor? Has God placed in your heart the drive to help those with real needs today? Or have you contiuned on not caring about those around you who have needs - many times we get so busy with our problems and our lives that we forget to help those we come across - to be sure we cannot help everyone - but we can help someone - when God gets a hold of your heart - you will naturally care for the poor and needy around you - they have needs that God has called on us to met - its not always easy to help someone in need but when you do you will be honoring God! God calls us to defend the rights of the poor and the oppress - we are to stand up for those who are unable to stand on their own -we are to be advocates for the poor - we are to bring Jesus to them in a real way - not with words or pamlphets -not that there is anything wrong with either of those -but we need to show them through our actions! There are examples in the Word that show us we should care for the poor - we should do more then to say we are praying for them -we are called upon to met their needs - the truth is we cannot do this apart from our Savior - and God didn't make us that way - He wants us to depend on Him and Him alone - not on our talents or what's in our wallets - we must be willing to go that extra mile for the needy and poor around us -we must show them Jesus! We are to do more then just know Jesus - we must live like He would live - allowing HIM to live through us!

one final word:
We accomplish more by doing then by saying!

Daily Blueprint 8-23-08
God wants us to be HIS hands and feet- you may be the only view of Jesus the poor will see!

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