

-------Day 1-------

2nd Corinthians 8:2-4
How that in a great trial of afflction the abundance of their joy and their deep proverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality..for to their power , I bear record, yea, beyond their power they were willing themselves; praying us with much entreaty that we would recieve the gift, and take upon us the fellowship of the ministering to the saints!

Today begins a new series on the poor -
Through much prayer and reflection -
along with going through a massive trial in my life this year - and going on my first Mission Trip - has really opened my eyes to the real need in the world for the hope of Jesus Christ- In Baja Mexico - I learned that many only make $2 a day - and their are so desepertly poor - and yet they are full of joy - many don't know what they are missing -
We all can do something - it does not take much - we all have been given all we have and God wants us to share some with others -its not a great scarifice for us - but the dividens are well worth it - the surprsing thing about the poor is their joy - their willingness to give to us who have much - I found this on the mission trip -and in the letters from my sponcered children - The poor want to feel needed- viladed - what they don't need is for us to feel sorry for them - but instead to love them as equals - what they have and what money they make does not define them -

God's challange is for us to help those in need - we become His hands and feet when we help those in need -and the funny thing is we end up getting more then we gave -
there are opperunties all around us each and every day - I hope during this month to present you some options of what you can do -
they can be as simple as teaching children the gospel - working in the nursery -
helping at the local rescue mission - sponcering a child in a far off land -
helping at the food bank - any of number of ways to help those in need-
The whole point is to get our minds off oursleves and our so called problems and help the poor around us - I know its been a hard year -with fuel prices and all prices going up -
but lets not forget God made it all and owns it all -
we have a responsablity to help those in need-
Jesus said when we help them -we are doing the same for Jesus-
So go where HE calls you - do whatever He wants you to do -
and together we can lend a hand - give a smile - change a life-
and it could be our lives that are the most changed-

The poor have needs - but they give us so much back!

Lets help them - love them - bless them!and JESUS will do the same to us!AMEN!

Look for a month of devotionals that deal with the poor - those in need-
and those who don't know JESUS -
be JESUS to someone today!its up to you
but the power comes from GOD!

one final word:
The Poor need us as much as we need them.

Daily Blueprint 8-3-08
Do what JESUS would the poor
LIVIN IN THE WORD & PRAYER MINISTRIESGOD'S Word is the Blueprint for a life lived for CHRISTEmail: Blog site:

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