

The Daily Blueprint /Wednesday/ 8-27-08

The Word:

The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 17

Psalm 41:1
Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; the Lord delivers him in times of trouble!

The LORD is on the lookout for those who will regard the weak and poor - those who are willing to sacrifice from their plenty to help give to those with less - its our mission as Christ followers to show His love at all times -there is never a time we can take the day off from being a Christ follower - to be sure there are times when we just don't feel like doing what God has called us to do - I believe that its sin if we allow that to prevent us from doing the work He has called us to do - if we would regard the poor - the weak - then God promises to take care of us - not that this means we won't struggle -there are days when a look into my bank account shows lack of funds - but its ok - God owns the cattle on a thousand hills and more - He owns it all - its all on loan to us - when we leave this place we have to give it back - I admit ive been consumed by possessions - if any of you have bought a new house -you now how hard it is not to think its more then it is - after signing your life away - you walk in and enjoy the fresh and new surroundings - only years later you see the ware and tear - we all spend a great deal of time caring for our homes- not that there is anything wrong with that - but if we are not careful - it takes too much of our focus - we begin to feel this ours or we earned it -but the truth is it all belongs to God -and greater still are those HE created that have real needs that are life or death - there are many hurting around us - many with a need of a simple smile or hug - if we look we will see the poor that are in need and we would give ourselves away for them - the purpose of this series is not only to tell you what's out there but to get out and help - faith is an action word! We are to be God's hands and feet -let's walk HIS way today!

The Final Word:
God gave us plenty so we can share it with others!
CHRIST is our abundance - our sustenance!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 8/27/08-
We often forget Phillipians 4:19 - we forget we can do ALL things through CHRIST who give us strength!


<>< 8/25/08 <><

The Daily Blueprint /Monday/ 8-25-08

The Word:

The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 16

Psalm 140:12
I know that the Lord secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy!

Jesus Christ cares for the poor - He cares for those caught in sin - drug abuse, HE cares for those that no one else cares for - and as His children we are called to do the same - we are to love others - not judge them -we are to reach out to those with less and give them out of our excess - we all have too much while others around us don't have enough -It pleases God when we help those in need- and in essence we are helping Him - God cares - that's the truth - many wonder where He is if He cares - that question was answered over 2,000 years ago when God sent His Son to die for our sin - when He suffered for sins He never committed - the Word of God says that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself - Jesus came on a rescue mission to save the spiritually poor - in the same we are called to help those with physical - emotional and mental needs - God will give us the power by which to do these things - if we try on our own - it won't work out the best way - God cares -that's today's message- He has not left us alone - He is not far away - He is right here with you today - He loves you with a love that never ends - He loves you and those around you - He looks at all of us the same - Is there anyone you know who needs help today - maybe just a smile or a kind word - it really does not take much - we have the greatest example of helping the poor in Christ and what He did - we are to do the same things!

The Final Word:
The facts are God sees the needs of this world - and He has sent us into the fields to do HIS work-what greater call is there on our lives then to serve the Most High God? What more can we ever hope to do with our lives then reach out to others in HIS name!?! Lets remember He is the master and we are His servants! Not the other way around!
CHRIST Fills the needs of those in need!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 8/25/08-



-------Day 15-------

PSALM 82:3-4
Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed . Rescue the weak and needy.....

Do you feel the call of God on your life to help the needy and the poor? Has God placed in your heart the drive to help those with real needs today? Or have you contiuned on not caring about those around you who have needs - many times we get so busy with our problems and our lives that we forget to help those we come across - to be sure we cannot help everyone - but we can help someone - when God gets a hold of your heart - you will naturally care for the poor and needy around you - they have needs that God has called on us to met - its not always easy to help someone in need but when you do you will be honoring God! God calls us to defend the rights of the poor and the oppress - we are to stand up for those who are unable to stand on their own -we are to be advocates for the poor - we are to bring Jesus to them in a real way - not with words or pamlphets -not that there is anything wrong with either of those -but we need to show them through our actions! There are examples in the Word that show us we should care for the poor - we should do more then to say we are praying for them -we are called upon to met their needs - the truth is we cannot do this apart from our Savior - and God didn't make us that way - He wants us to depend on Him and Him alone - not on our talents or what's in our wallets - we must be willing to go that extra mile for the needy and poor around us -we must show them Jesus! We are to do more then just know Jesus - we must live like He would live - allowing HIM to live through us!

one final word:
We accomplish more by doing then by saying!

Daily Blueprint 8-23-08
God wants us to be HIS hands and feet- you may be the only view of Jesus the poor will see!


-------Day 15-------

PSALM 82:3-4
Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed . Rescue the weak and needy.....

Do you feel the call of God on your life to help the needy and the poor? Has God placed in your heart the drive to help those with real needs today? Or have you contiuned on not caring about those around you who have needs - many times we get so busy with our problems and our lives that we forget to help those we come across - to be sure we cannot help everyone - but we can help someone - when God gets a hold of your heart - you will naturally care for the poor and needy around you - they have needs that God has called on us to met - its not always easy to help someone in need but when you do you will be honoring God! God calls us to defend the rights of the poor and the oppress - we are to stand up for those who are unable to stand on their own -we are to be advocates for the poor - we are to bring Jesus to them in a real way - not with words or pamlphets -not that there is anything wrong with either of those -but we need to show them through our actions! There are examples in the Word that show us we should care for the poor - we should do more then to say we are praying for them -we are called upon to met their needs - the truth is we cannot do this apart from our Savior - and God didn't make us that way - He wants us to depend on Him and Him alone - not on our talents or what's in our wallets - we must be willing to go that extra mile for the needy and poor around us -we must show them Jesus! We are to do more then just know Jesus - we must live like He would live - allowing HIM to live through us!

one final word:
We accomplish more by doing then by saying!

Daily Blueprint 8-23-08
God wants us to be HIS hands and feet- you may be the only view of Jesus the poor will see!

The Daily Blueprint /Thursday/ 8-21-08

The Word:

The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 14

1st Corinthians 13:3
If I give all I have to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing!

We can do many good things with our lives - We can serve the poor - we can help those with needs we see each day we live. We can offer to sacrifice ourselves for the needs of those around us - but without love - its all in vain - we need to be sure we do what we do for the right reasons - if we do what we do to earn God's favor - we have missed the whole reason we should do what we do - its about bringing God glory - you see we are His representatives to the world around us - what the world needs is love - love is what God calls us to do with those we come in contact with - we should be about the Father's business of loving others - after all God loves us and the people He has called on us to help- God could met the needs of everyone - but He has chosen to use us - what a privilege to be used by God to do His work - the poor need help- many are desperate - many have not eaten anything in quite some time and its difficult to met the needs - but with Love from God - we can do all things - Christ gives us the strength to do the work He has called us to do - we must be all about love- for its through the Love GOD has shown us through His Son that make it possible for us to love others. God has a mission for each of us - we need to seek His face and do as He says - and always be motivated by Love and that alone -not personal gain or so we can feel better about ourselves -its so we can actively worship God with not only our mouths but our whole selves! Amen!

The Final Word:
Many people do good things so they can feel good -
we should do good things because we love GOD!


CHRIST shows us what real live compassion is!


- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 8/21/08
To have compassion on others -we must be willing to share in their pain and suffering -


The Daily Blueprint /Wednesday/ 8-20-08

The Word:

The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 13

Luke 14:13
...But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind...

Our attitude towards the poor should be the same as Jesus' , we must be willing to love the unlovable - the marginalized - those without possessions - those with needs -the need is overwhelming - but God is faithful and He has called many to help in this cause -its not just one part of the Body of Christ though that should be helping the poor -we all should - its not the easiest job - but it's rewards are very great! Just to be used by God to change even one life can be life changing for those He has called - helping the poor is not about what we can do for them - but what God can do through us to help them - its not on our shoulders -its on the mighty shoulders of Almighty God! He will show you if you ask Him - there are needs that present themselves everyday - I love today's verse- because when I think of a party - I want to invite my best friends -I want to invite my family - but when it comes to the homeless and poor I am not so sure in my flesh I would invite them - but Jesus says we should - We should not be a respecter of persons since God is not - He loves us all the same and we all must come to Him the same way - through the blood of Jesus - God has given us all we have - we have not "earned" a thing - its all given - we have nothing that we got without God's help - the poor need you today - their problems and needs won't go away overnight - still God has a special plan for each of us - we all have a purpose - sometimes we just don't know where to begin - I believe we should invite those who have needs into our lives - just like Jesus says to invite them to a banquet - allow God to use to you feed their needs - and by doing so you will receive so much more - its not about doing good works so good things happen to us - its about honoring God - so when you have a party -why not invite those you didn't plan on - so that you can minister to them -believe me this is a hard call - its not easy - but Jesus never said it would be!

The Final Word:
We should be imitators of Jesus - we should be doing what He does!
CHRIST loves all!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 8/20/08
There is no job to big when you allow GOD to do it in you!


The Daily Blueprint /Tueday/ 8-19-08

The Word:

The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 12

Micah 6:8
He has showed you, oh man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God!

The word in today's verse I want to focus on is Mercy - God says we are to love Mercy - for in one sense - Mercy has been given to all of us in the blood of Jesus - We are not getting what we do deserve and God is withholding the penalty of our sin so long as we put our trust in Jesus Christ for forgiveness of our sin - sin is the reason for death -sin is the reason for so many broken and unhappy lives in the world today - sin is the reason for all bad in this world- God could end this world at any time - He could and would be righteous to do so - we don't deserve His mercy at all -we deserve hell - sometimes people want to soften those words - but I feel we have to tell the truth - hell is real - and if you don't know Christ your sins won't be forgiven and that's bad - loving Mercy is part of what our new make up should be - we should be merciful to others -its very hard with our human nature - this also relates to the poor around us - to be sure many of them got to the place they are because of many wrong choices - but some due to mental illness or something that we not the fault - the fact are we live in a fallen world and sin runs rampant in this place. The poor will always be with us so long as the world is here - the poor have desperate needs - and God has called on us to met those needs -the task at hand is large - and we must go to God with our requests - and to see just who we should help, God loves those who are poor - just as much as HE loves those that are rich - in the scheme of things poverty is not a lack of money - but a lack of opportunity -
there are those walking the streets tonight that used to have a successful marriage - or job - but now have lost it all -let's bring them Jesus so that they too can share in the hope that we have!

The Final Word:
Our lives should be all about love!
CHRIST showed us love by dying on the cross....
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 8/19/08


The Daily Blueprint /Monday/ 8-18-08

The Word:

The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 11

Jeremiah 22:16
He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well. Is that not what it means to know Me? declares the Lord

If we know Jesus then our lives ought to reflect what we are inside - there are times however when who we are gets lost in the day to day trials of life - we tend to lose focus and if we are not careful we can fall prey to negativity that does nothing more then drain the power of Jesus in our lives - we can say all day we know Him but if our lives are no different and He cannot be seen in our lives- we may want to sit down and pray and seek His face to be sure we really do belong to Him - I am in no way saying for you to question your salvation but to just reflect to see if you are allowing Jesus Christ to live in you and through you - when we come to know Him - He takes up residence in our hearts -now you can still go your own way but there will be no joy in that - today's verse talks about the fact that our Savior met the needs of the poor around Him - He loved them and spent a great deal of time on earth with them - He often said that those who are sick have need a a doctor - but those that are well don't - He loves everyone for He made them all - We too must follow the lead of Jesus - We must be willing to love those that we simply don't like -we must be about love - love for our fellowman and above all love for our Lord - Do as Jesus commands you - not what a man says for you to do - there is no power in doing what man says - but all power in doing just as Christ did - are there poor and needy people that you know that need some help? Ask Jesus where He wants you to work and then work - its that simple - lets make sure we know Christ before we lead others to Him - for without His Spirit -we cannot do a single thing!

The Final Word:
I am often perplexed when met with a need - I often see people broken down on the side of the road - this seems to be common no matter what part of the US you live in - many times I have stopped - but other times I have not - when these present themselves - we must be willing to do what the Lord tell us to do - this requires us to actually carry on a conversation with Him - He will never lead you wrong! Trust in HIM above all!
CHRIST came to save the lost - to heal the sick - and help the poor!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 8/18/08
You can make a difference in someone's life today!


The Daily Blueprint /Thursday/ 8-14-08

The Word:

The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 10

Proverbs 14:31
He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God!

God's word is strong on helping the poor and it is also strong toward those who won't help those in need - This verse today says that those who don't help the poor show contempt for God - for He made us and everything around us - nothing belongs to us - we are simply here now - but will one day be going home - we must be willing to reach out to those in need- we need to do more then talk or just tell someone we are praying for them - Prayer is a good start - but we need to move once we hear the voice of God tell us to move -too much of the time we spend far too much time trying to do good instead of doing it - we have been given each day as a gift - this day is on loan to you -we each get 24 hours - and we have a free will to choice in some aspects how we will spend it - look for ways to help your fellow man today - look for ways that God can use you - the task at hand won't be easy - you will face many trials on the way to obeying God - He will empower you with HIS Spirit and will give you the power you need to do what He wants you to do - Do you feel the call of God on your life? Maybe there is someone He has put in your life for the only reason that you help them - I know the needs are great - but our God is greater - let's be more willing to allow God to use us!

The Final Word:
Many times we don't hear God - its not because HE is not speaking - its becasue we have not been listening close enough - God made us for His purpose - what is it that God is calling you to do? We are all a part of the Boby of Christ -we have differnt jobs but the same purpose - to give God glory, to love Him and others... that's it!
CHRIST showed us what it means to lay your life down for others!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 8/14/08
Today is a gift - yesterday is gone - and tomorrow is not yet here!


The Daily Blueprint /Wednesday/ 8-13-08

The Word:

The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 9

Proverbs 19:17
He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward him for what he has done.

The life we now live does not belong to us at all - it all belongs to God - once we have known Christ- we get a clearer picture of this - we are called to be living sacrifices - this means putting aside what we want for the larger good - I admit this is not an easy task - the world in which we live is all about the flesh - about the pleasure that is here for the taking - there has a gradual shift from morality to immorality in this world -what was taboo 20 years ago is now mainstream - kids are being taught how to be selfish at an earlier and earlier age - (not that any of us even needed help!) Now affairs are hardly blinked at - and marriages not lasting long is not a surprise anymore -and it seems like we allow filth to enter into our lives day by day - there is but one thing that can be done to fix this - its a complete surrender to Jesus Christ - many of us have enough JESUS to save us - but not enough to make us holy!
We must be about our Father's business - the time is now - one verse (I don't know the address) but it says that we must work while it is day - for the night is coming and no man can work - this day has been given to you by God - He wants us to use it all for His glory - what would be better then having used up your life glorifying Jesus!? We are called to help those around us - the poor -the needy - the young - and when we do as God leads us to do - He will then reward us - what an awesome God we serve - He gives us all we have and then asks us and leads us to help others and He turns around and blesses us! Maybe you don't feel comfortable helping the poor - start out small - and always put your trust in Jesus allowing Him to work though you - you can change the life for one person - do as God leads you! Help those who the world has rejected and receive God's blessing!

The Final Word:
When people hear the world blessing they often think of good things- while this is true - a blessing from God may not always look good from our worldly viewpoint - so don't give money expecting God to give you money in return - He will always give us something better then we give - you cannot out give God! Amen!


CHRIST came to save that which was lost -
be found in HIM today!


- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 8/13/08
The poor are here for us to help!


The Daily Blueprint /Tuesday/ 8-12-08

The Word:

The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 8

Mark 10:14
When Jesus saw this (The disciples trying to keep the kids from Jesus) He was indignant! He said to them, "Let the children come to Me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these..."

Today's verse is one that Dr.Wess Stafford of Compassion International always uses to tell others of the need to help the children of our world - he says that children are the ones who suffer most when there are problems. Its the children that are the people of tomorrow- and they need help - many are suffering at the hands of poverty - Jesus has called us to reach out to those in need - and not to hinder them - the disciples where not trying to mean I don't believe -they thought it was more important for Jesus to rest then for Him to be bothered by some rug-rats - but Jesus saw it differently - He saw their need and His love for them compelled Jesus to reach out to them - to touch then with His holy hands of love and develop a personal relationship with each child that came to Him - you see Jesus never turned away anyone - no matter where they fit into society - He loves all people - HE does not divide them the same way we do - many times adults think of kids are second class citizens but Jesus didn't take that view and neither should we - I don't have any natural children - but yet God has called me to help the children in my life -those at church - those that God places in my path - to reach out to them - many of them just need a little love and attention - where is God calling you? Maybe its to sponcer a child in need in a far off land - Maybe its to be a big brother or sister to a child in your town - maybe its to become a Youth minister or to work with Awana or some other facet of need - the point Jesus has made is that we should love them and help them and in doing so we serve Jesus Himself - so don't hinder the children in your life -but let them come to JESUS - for He is all they really need -be Jesus to a child today - love them in HIS name!

The Final Word:
To sponcer a child through Compassion - visit
through Mission of Mercy - visit
or through World Vision - visit
Help a child in need today!
CHRIST held the children in His arms of love and hope!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 8/12/08
Jesus says we must come to Him like a child!
Let's bring as many children to Him as we can!
The Daily Blueprint /Monday/ 8-11-08
The Word: The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 7
Mark 9:37
Whoever welcomes one of these little children in My name welcomes Me, and whoever welcomes me does not welcome Me but He who sent Me!
The call Jesus has on the life of His followers is to imitate Him - this was said twice yesterday in two different settings- God wants us to be conformed into the image of His Son - but to do this - we cannot try hard enough - or have the best intentions - we must surrender and then submit to God before He can begin to use us - we must be willing to do the hard things- things that are inconvenient - things that we really don't want to do but are willing to do just out of the shear fact that Jesus is worthy of our worship - If we welcome someone in out lives with real difficult needs - and we depend on the grace of God - we welcome Jesus - What we do to the least of these -we do to Him -this message is presented over and over in the new testament - Jesus is our example -He loved everyone He came in contact with - sometimes He had to speak the truth that the receiver didn't want to hear - sometimes He had to drive out those who used His house as a den of robbers instead of the house of prayer it is! We must be willing to help those that on our own we cannot help - we must trust in the grace God has given us to help those around us -we can try and do it in our power - but we won't be doing anything that will last -whatever we do - we must do it for God's glory - those with needs are around us each day - we must be willing to help them - and in doing so -we are serving our Lord Jesus! The Final Word:What is the reason we do what we do? What is the reason for our Hope?Think about that.CHRIST came to show us the way to the Father-
What needs need fulfilling in your corner of the world?
--------Day 6-------
Matthew 25:44-46...
They also will say, "Lord when did we see you hungry or thisty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help You?" Jesus will reply, "I tell you the truth, whatsoever you did not do for the least of these you did not do for Me." Then they will go away to eternal punishment, the righteous to eternal life...
These verse from Matthew are very harsh but to the point - Jesus does not mence words at all - He says that if we don't help the poor - its like saying no to His request for Help- what an odd thing to say - because many of us would respond in the same way by saying -when did we see you poor - sick - in need? Jesus knows our hearts and He knows since HE created everything -what makes us tick - He knows that its human nature NOT to help those in need - just the other day I was driving down the road and I saw a stalled car in the middle of the road on the island -Id love to tell everyone I stopped and helped them and got blessed by it - but the turth is I didn't stop- well that was until God kind convicted me - He said to go back - I did as God said this time and I found the car on the side with some other guys helping them - Jesus was saying that we should help all those we come across - and in doing so we help Him - many times its fear or its the risk of our comfort that causes us to turn away from those in need - the end of these verses sure seems harsh to me but I believe what Jesus is saying that when we have His Spirit inside us we will help those in need- that's the differnace between us and those without Christ -we help out of worship - that should ALWAYS be our motivation - not rewards -lets help those that Jesus sends our way - and in doing so you will be helping Jesus Himself! Amen!? one final word:The words in God's word seems to be action words - its not enough to read it - it's not enough to wish you brother in need well - what is enough is actually physically - mentally or emtionally helping those in need -so stop sitting here and go where GOD calls you to go!
Daily Blueprint 8-9-08
JESUS says the poor will always be with us -good thing JESUS also will always be with us!
the following is in response to one of the devotionals from last week-these words mean so much! Allow God to use them to show you His mercy - His grace in the poor around us! Kathleen writes: =-) The verse you used for today is a good one for mission work and helping those in need. I have another thought about this Scripture, from my experiences in Baja. Where it says "At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need. Then there will be equality! ". Each time we go to Baja we bring clothes and medical supplies and school supplies and many "things" that the people need. We bring of our plenty to supply what they need. And every time, at the end of our week, I go home filled with a renewed and strengthened spirit, a sort of "recharge" of my spiritual batteries, and a realignment of my priorities! That is the people of Camalu's plenty that supplies my need! Their life is simple and their daily struggles are for basic necessities of living, but in that, their lives are not cluttered with all the material things we often let control our lives. They don't fret over what's for dinner, they are happy to have something to eat for dinner! They are very family oriented and spend a lot of time with their children and helping their neighbors. It seems that without a lot of material things filling their lives and taking their time and attention, their simple lives are filled with God and family! Being with them and working with them is a wakeup call for me. I don't think that means we necessarily need to get rid of all the things we have, because God has blessed us greatly. But we need to be very careful not to put these things ahead of God and to thank Him daily for the many blessings He has bestowed on us. We need to seek His Will in how to use these blessings - this plenty - to help others. And watch carefully as we go through our lives to be aware of "plenty" that others may have and give to is that we may not recognize as plenty! God is so Good and His Plan and Creation is awesome and marvelous.We are blessed! Love,Kathleen


The Daily Blueprint /Thursday/ 8-7-08

The Word:

The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 5

2nd Corinthians 8:3,14
For I testify that they gave as much as they where able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own... At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need. Then there will be equality!

God's message that inspired Paul was this - that our plenty will supply for the needs of those without - many times we overlook the blessings God has given us - we tend to think what we have belongs to us - but it really does not - its all belongs to God - its all from God and it all goes back to God -
without Him - there would be nothing! God sees us all as equal - although man may rate people - God gets the final say - and what He says is always true - for God cannot lie! He wants His children to share - He wants us to love each other -and He longs for the lost to be saved - that's the whole point after all - the saving of many for the glory of God -
one way this is displayed is helping those in need -
I want to continue to pound this message this month -
I pray that some of you have looked at where you can help -
and I hope some of you are doing things that don't come naturally - so that God gets all the glory - from birth we are taught many things -some are very good while others not so good - one thing we seem to be saying is to be self-sufficient - do what you can do and then ask God - this is not the way it should be at all - the same goes with helping the needy - lets never get to a place where we feel we are better then those we help - once pride slips in - the gospel message is removed - for those we help will no longer see Jesus in our actions - we must spend much time in prayer and seek what God will have us do - there are needs around us everyday - join in the fight against poverty - spread the gospel through your love of His people!

The Final Word:
Our Mission: To love others by helping with their needs -
The outcome: totally up to God and not us!
Listen and obey! That's it!
CHRIST gives us so much so we can share!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 8/7/08
What we have is not ours - it all belongs to GOD!


The Daily Blueprint /Wednesday/ 8-6-08

The Word:

The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 4

1st Timothy 6:17-18
Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.

Do you realize we are among the richest in this world - its hard to believe I know when you look at your bills - or see your the cost of everything rising around us - its hard to believe we are rich - it all has to do with what you see - sometimes we get caught in our own little world forgetting there are those that have very little - one way to have your eyes opened up is to go on a mission trip - I took my first one on Memorial Day weekend down to the Mississippi Gulf Coast and my second about a month later to Baja Mexico - these people have so very little in way of possessions - but they have joy like I have not seen among us -we must make the connection that stuff does not make us better off -we all need the same God for the same reason - apart from Him we are nothing at all - going on a mission trip is not about you at all - its about spreading the gospel of our Lord Jesus - its about getting out of our comfort zones and getting out there and serving our Lord - its about helping those in need - the whole idea of helping the poor is not to make the rich in this world - but in the one to come - the idea is to show the love of Jesus to these people and in return Jesus will use you to do it. We must not get caught up in what we have compared to what they have - they don't miss what they have never had - we can be the hands and feet of Jesus-
for more info on going on a mission trip - please visit one of these sights below - you can make a differance in the lives of the poor - it just takes one step - a step of faith - and a leap of action!

The Final Word:
When you help others you end up helping yourself - you cannot out give God!
CHRIST dwells in us to live out of us!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 8/6/08
Go where God leads - one foot in front of the other - one step at a time


The Daily Blueprint /Tuesday/ 8-5-08

The Word:

The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 3

Galatians 2:10
Only they would that we should remember the poor, the same which I also was forward to do.

Paul says it simply - that we should remember the poor - another words we should not get wrap up in our own little world with our own problems leaving out those who need us the most -we must be willing to go - simply put -we must be willing to forsake what we want to do to help those who have many needs that God has called us to try and fill - remembering the poor means to remember what they mean to God - for He made all people - and He loves all people the same -what impresses people does not impress Him -for He looks on our hearts- that's one issue we all have - sometimes we rush to judgment and refuse to help the poor around us because we feel they got themselves into this predicament and we are therefore excused from helping as the Lord lead us - this is not pleasing to God - He wants His people to be known by their love - what are you doing in your life right now to show the love of Jesus in a vivid way? Lets be challenged by what Paul was inspired by God to write - that we must remember the poor - James says that religion that is pure and undefiled is that which causes people to visit the poor and the widowed in their time of need - the orphans as well.
We must be willing to get out of our comfort zones - and by this I mean the four walls of the church - we must be willing to get out off the pew and do -
we spend far too much time talking about what we need to do and not enough time actually doing it - again I am preaching to myself as well - Its not easy helping the poor - but God commands it - we must be willing to be a vessel that He can use - its not up to us but the indwelling Spirit of God that leads us to do what we should do - let's remember the poor -always.

The Final Word:
We can say we love others - but what are our actions saying?
CHRIST commands us to help the poor!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 8/5/08
It's not money that makes a person - it's God!


The Daily Blueprint /Monday/ 8-4-08

The Word:

The Poor: Their needs, Our Response
Day 2

2nd Corinthians 9:10-15
Now he that ministers seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness...

In today's verse it talks about the seed given to the sower - I believe God wants us to take from this the fact that we all are connected -we all have some gift God has given us that He wants us to use for His glory - He has a message for us - we are to help those He has placed in our lives - there is not one person we come across in our daily lives that does not have some type of need- our mission from God is to help those around us - to love them as Christ loves us - this includes the poor - sadly most of the poor are forgotten - looked over -and thought of us less then those of us with plenty - but this is not the attitude of God - He loves the downtrodden - He loves those whom the world has given up on - He loves the homeless and those we all seem to want to avoid - we must face the facts that the poor will always be with us - until that day Jesus calls this world to end - until that time -we will have those who have physical needs -those who have nothing while we have so much - God didn't give us what we have so that we could hoard it and keep it to ourselves - He wants us to use what He has given us - and the truth is that we have nothing that was not given to us - our very lives are a gift from God - how can so many of us just take that for granted - God has a mission for us - each of us - have you prayed about what God wants you to do - where does He want you to go - the needs are all around us -
let God use you today - be seed that can plant the gospel in the hearts of those in need- lets show Christ like love to those who have been passed over by a world that is too focused on personal comfort and pleasure and less on following the lead JESUS set forth for us -all you need to do is read the gospel accounts to see what God thinks of the poor - He wants us to be His hands and feet- if you won't answer the call - He will find someone else to do what others have refused to do - its all about HIM!
The seed is from God and the field is from Him as well-
lets plant and allow God to water the seed and grow up in righteousness!

one final word:
God loves everyone -even those we have found it hard to love - God loves the poor - those we sometimes don't even see in our busy lives-
let's pray that God give us His eyes -
(thanks to Brandon Heath and his song - "Give me Your eyes"
for the inspiration for one final word today....
CHRIST wants to be glorified in our lives- let's allow Him to do it!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 8/4/08
The need is great but GOD is greater!


-------Day 1-------

2nd Corinthians 8:2-4
How that in a great trial of afflction the abundance of their joy and their deep proverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality..for to their power , I bear record, yea, beyond their power they were willing themselves; praying us with much entreaty that we would recieve the gift, and take upon us the fellowship of the ministering to the saints!

Today begins a new series on the poor -
Through much prayer and reflection -
along with going through a massive trial in my life this year - and going on my first Mission Trip - has really opened my eyes to the real need in the world for the hope of Jesus Christ- In Baja Mexico - I learned that many only make $2 a day - and their are so desepertly poor - and yet they are full of joy - many don't know what they are missing -
We all can do something - it does not take much - we all have been given all we have and God wants us to share some with others -its not a great scarifice for us - but the dividens are well worth it - the surprsing thing about the poor is their joy - their willingness to give to us who have much - I found this on the mission trip -and in the letters from my sponcered children - The poor want to feel needed- viladed - what they don't need is for us to feel sorry for them - but instead to love them as equals - what they have and what money they make does not define them -

God's challange is for us to help those in need - we become His hands and feet when we help those in need -and the funny thing is we end up getting more then we gave -
there are opperunties all around us each and every day - I hope during this month to present you some options of what you can do -
they can be as simple as teaching children the gospel - working in the nursery -
helping at the local rescue mission - sponcering a child in a far off land -
helping at the food bank - any of number of ways to help those in need-
The whole point is to get our minds off oursleves and our so called problems and help the poor around us - I know its been a hard year -with fuel prices and all prices going up -
but lets not forget God made it all and owns it all -
we have a responsablity to help those in need-
Jesus said when we help them -we are doing the same for Jesus-
So go where HE calls you - do whatever He wants you to do -
and together we can lend a hand - give a smile - change a life-
and it could be our lives that are the most changed-

The poor have needs - but they give us so much back!

Lets help them - love them - bless them!and JESUS will do the same to us!AMEN!

Look for a month of devotionals that deal with the poor - those in need-
and those who don't know JESUS -
be JESUS to someone today!its up to you
but the power comes from GOD!

one final word:
The Poor need us as much as we need them.

Daily Blueprint 8-3-08
Do what JESUS would the poor
LIVIN IN THE WORD & PRAYER MINISTRIESGOD'S Word is the Blueprint for a life lived for CHRISTEmail: Blog site:
The Daily Blueprint / Monday / 7-28-08


Psalms & Proverbs - Day 14

Psalm 2:8
Ask of Me, and I shall give you the heathen for your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession.

This verse does not seem to make much sense to me to be honest -it is my guess that it seems like God is saying that if we want to follow after this world He will give us over to it - this is what I get from it - God wants what's best for us - but He won't stand in the way of what we want - He wants pure and true worship - not forced worship - He wants us to love Him because of who HE is - not for what He does or can do -
He wants guarantee people who love Him with not only words but with action -there are many who can say all the right things but when it comes down to it - where is their heart- why do they do what they do -what is their motivation!? Doing good is not enough - its not the end all - it is done to honor God not earn favor with Him! What we do is not as important as why we do what we do. God wants all of us - but is not willing to share us with anyone - He alone is worthy of our Praise and Adoration! Amen!

Proverbs 1:15
My Son, walk not in the way of them; refrain your foot from their path...

God says we must not even put our feet on the path of the wicked -we must not follow after the world around us but after God alone - if we are willing to put our feet in the wrong place - we are not far from going completely the wrong way - we must be willing to walk the way of God not the way of the wicked - this road is not the easy way - its hard to deny self and follow Christ but its the best life - no other life has such freedom - such peace and such joy- but Jesus Himself said we would have trials in this life -we would be hard pressed but not destroyed -we would suffer at the hands of the world - but in the end we will counted as His children - no matter what happens on this side of eternity -we must be willing to deny ourselves and follow Christ - lets keep our feet from the path of the wicked - rejoice in Christ!

footnote: The only One we should follow is JESUS!
CHRIST keeps us on the right path of life!

It's time once again for the traveling church signs-
send in yours today and happy travels!

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- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 7/28/08