


In The Potter's Hands

Jeremiah 18.6
O House of Israel, cannot not I do with you as this potter? Says the Lord. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are you in My hand, O House of Israel!

This year I have been looking at the exodus from Egypt in my BSF classes - the subject has been Moses and we are moving into the 40 years of wondering in the wilderness - like never before I am see the relationship between the people of Israel and us - we do the same thing - one day we may be totally consumed and on fire for the Lord but the other we can quickly turn our back on HIM and go and do what we want - Israel was God's chosen people and yet they grumbled against Him and went after other gods - and in today's verse God is comparing what HE has to do with what a potter has to do - in the making of pottery - the potter must first get the clay ready to be formed - he must take it and slam it against something hard - and he must get all the impurities out - then he must raise the heat to a high heat so that what does not belong will be destroyed - and finally when its still wet - he can shape it into what he wants too - this shows us that God wants to make us what HE wants us to be - and often times this requires heat - the heat of trial applied to our lives does the trick - then while we are still wet - He will reform us into His imagine - let's put ourselves in the hand of the Potter and let HIM mold us into His image - this will often be painful - but in the end it will be completely worth it - is your heart hard and unplyable to God? Have you allowed the cares of this world to harden to soil of your lives? Let God take over - He knows best how to handle us like clay - He knows the best shape for us to be in -
this is process that GOD will complete in us - He has promised as much -
Let's learn from Israel that we should be obedient to God no matter what the crowd does - let God mold you today! Put yourself in the hands of the Potter!
BUILDING MOMENT: If we would allow GOD to mold us -
our lives would look more and more like Him!

Because we have CHRIST - we are formed in HIS Image!

3.5.09 - Building on the WORD

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