Casting Cares
1st Peter 5:7
Casting all your care on HIM for HE cares for you!
We live in a world and a time in which anxiety seems to be rampant -
it seems there is so much to worry about these days - the economy - job loss - the stock market - and our own personal cares and concerns - the good news is we serve a God that feels - a God that knows what it's like to be hungry - to feel pain - not a distant God who knows nothing about us - the fact is HE cares about each of us - He loves all of us - even those who seem to be doing everything in their power to reject Him - He still cares for them - and this care is seen or should be seen in His people - we are to be the hands and feet of JESUS - we are to go into a hopeless situation and bring the hope of JESUS to them - We are to cast our cares onto JESUS - He will take care of us - no matter what things on this side of heaven look like - we are so blessed just by the simple fact we awoke today to a new day - Cast your cares onto JESUS for HE does in fact care for you - no matter how big your struggle or how small God has promised to be there -and never leave us! We have this assurance today and forever more -He wants to take our fears - worries and turn them around to give us faith - He wants us to live by faith and not by sight - we want to see before we will believe - however this is not faith at all - having faith means believing in what your senses cannot detect -
Cast all those worries on JESUS for HE will care for you, always!
BUILDING MOMENT: Whatever is going on in your life today - God knows about it and HE has a plan to meet your needs! Praise GOD!
Because we have CHRIST - we can cast our cares at HIS feet!
3.4.09 - Building on the WORD
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