


Meaning In Life:The Study of Ecclesiastes
part 37

Ecclesiastes 11.6
As you know not what is the way of the spirit, nor how do bones grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so you don't know the works of God who makes it all.

Looking up at the night sky last night - my mind began to wonder - there was a ring around the moon - this generally means the next day rain will be coming -
in the same way - once we know JESUS - He will guide our lives - HE will be our roadmap in a way - we must follow HIM all the days of our lives and never vary from His path - there are many great mysteries in life that man has yet to solve - and just imagine all the mysteries of this endless universe - our minds cannot comprehend this - I heard it say before that God has made much that we will never see this side of heaven - He has placed things deep in the ocean that no man has ever seen - all for His glory - He has made planets that with our greatest rocket we would never reach - and we want to think we can understand and fathom God - The wonders of this world is endless - the wonders of the human body is the same way - today's verse asked how in the world can bones of a child grow in his Mother's womb? Another mystery is nature - trees - from a small seed comes a big plant that shades us - that the birds fly into and nest - all from a little seed that if was lost -would never produce anything - the greatest mystery of all is that Christ would want to dwell in us - that HE was willing to none should parish - laying down His life for us -
God filling the inside of man -what a great mystery - we don't have minds big enough to understand God fully - He has given us His Spirit and HIS word to lead and guide us - We may never understand all the mysteries of this world - but we can know the true God! Know HIM today~!
BUILDING MOMENT: Who can comprehend our GOD!?

Because we have CHRIST - we have understanding unlike the world.

3.11.09 - Building on the WORD

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