


In Step With The Truth

3rd John 1:4
For I have no greater joy that to hear
that my children walk in truth!

I am not yet a parent - that is apparent! (sorry for the pun!) but lets be serious, those of us who have children want nothing more than for them to walk in the truth of Jesus Christ - we who know Christ as our Savior know there is not greater thing we could give our children than to know Christ as their Savior! But in order for them to embrace this truth - they will look to us as the example - just today I read in New Man that men need to step up to the plate in this matters - far to long we have been silent - I don't have any children of my own - but God has lead me to sponsor several children -my first child was Walter - and the greatest gift He gave me was his letter that told me He had accepted Christ - there is no greater gift then to see those who were once lost - saved - We have a ministry at home when we have children - We must walk in the truth so that they will want to walk in the truth as well - we need to be in step with the truth - Our relationship with our children matters - and we must also concentrate on our relationship with Christ - He must remain number one even after we have children - I know I am no expert but I know that children follow their parents! I don't have children so its easy to say - but I know the truth that has set me free -and I know those younger then us follow us - they see what we do - and they know what really is important to us!
Lets make it a point this day and every day to surrender our lives to Christ and continue to be in step with the truth!
Your brother in Christ stepping out in faith, Daniel<><

In C H R I S T we walk approved by God!
Every step we take should take us closer to God!

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