


Prayer Made Perfect
Romans 8.26
Likewise the Spirit also helps in our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

The subject of prayer has been all over me today - to begin with a group of 2 people at work invited me to join their prayer team - to go and pray after work over the office - God has ordained this and at the same time today's and yesterday's devos are about prayer -
Today's verse begins with saying we at times have no idea what in the world to pray - we just put our prayers out - but the neat thing that I have found is that God takes our imperfect prayers and makes the perfect - for the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with groanings that cannot be uttered - to me this means constantly the Holy Spirit is interceding for us - Jesus Christ is our intercessor - He takes our prayer and presents them to God the Father - they may not come out right down here but when Jesus gets done with them - they are prefect - Sometimes we pray for things that we think we want but in reality - God knows better - We might as well be honest with God in our prayers -HE knows what is going on in our lives and we cannot hide a thing from Him - we must be honest in prayer - sometimes we pray and think God does not hear us - but I am here to tell you God hears all your prayers - this makes me think about that movie Bruce Almighty - the main character began to hear all the prayer and he could not handle it - thankfully God can handle all our prayers - the amazing thing is He hears them all - so rejoice in that today- know that even when your prayers are not perfect when they come form you - Jesus makes them perfect - Praise HIS mighty name!
BUILDING MOMENT: Prayer is much simpler then we make it- its just a conversation between us and our Father God! Pray - just do it!
Because we have CHRIST - our prayers are made perfect!
1.14.09 - Building on the WORD
...take it to the LORD In prayer!

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