

the daily blueprint for thursday 5-29-08


Psalm 28:8
The LORD is their strength, and
He is the saving strength of His anointed!

I am continuing on the theme of God's mission for our lives - My life was changed this past weekend with a simple trip to a place in need - I saw the love of Jesus on display - and it was awesome - I am seeing that the power to do good comes directly from God -we cannot and will not do it on our own -we can sure try - but when we let go and allow God to use us in HIS way and not our way - things happen- lives are changed - the trials of this life can be overcome - I have seen the hand of God move in the lives of those who helped rebuild not only buildings but lives - and none of us will ever be the same - you might be asking how in the world we did what we did - how could we sacrifice what we did for others we don't even know - the simple answer is we cannot do it ourselves - it comes from God Himself stirring in the hearts of His followers - the bottom line is the LORD is our strength - HE is the strength of those in far off lands who not only suffer for their faith in Christ -but many lose their lives and all that they have - but in the end - the strength that allowed them to stand fast in their faith is the same strength we have as the Body of Christ -its all about our focus - apart from Christ we cannot do anything -we are simply vessels God works through - This is where strength begins - with a simple faith that says God is enough for us to get through this life - this day - this hour.
In our weakness He is strong! Always!

footnote: We need JESUS to live HIS life in us!
CHRIST Brings us strength for today and hope for tomorrow!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
I had a wonderful time helping rebuild in Perlington, Mississippi last weekend -
This is about 30 miles Northeast of New Orleans and recieved severe damange from Hurricane Katrina 3 years ago- for more info on how you can help
VISIT: Daniel
I should have some video/pictures of our trip soon - stay tuned!
Special Edition of Livin in Prayer will run this Saturday-
I will enclude a devo about Compassion Sunday which is June 1st at our church-
pray for me that God would use me to bring many children to the blessing of sponcership! Thanks! Daniel
it's time once again for CHURCH SIGNS!
Send in yours today!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 5/29/08 -

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