the daily blueprint for monday 5-12-08
Psalm 2:11
Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
Many times in the Gospels - Jesus proclaims to us not to fear - many times people did fear the very sight of God in man! Jesus came as God but had flesh on - I believe He did this for our benefit - many times we fear what we see - if we cannot see it - most times we don't fear it - today's verse is about fear - but this time we are told to fear - we need to remember who God is - He knows everything there is to know about everyone -that should strike fear in most hearts - the very fact that we cannot hide anything from God should cause us to take a better look at our lives -and allow Him to show us places that need improvement - we must fear the Lord - for Proverbs proclaims that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom - one problem most of us have is we don't fear the Lord enough -we don't take HIM at his word enough - and We fail to remain obedient to Him when we know we should -
If you want to serve the Lord -remember to do it in fear and rejoice in trembling -we must always be respectful of our God and what power He has - we need not forget that our God is are strong tower and our refuge of protection - lets only fear GOD and all else will just fall into place! Fear and Trembling - is that how you serve the LORD?
footnote: Perfect love casts out fear - we must love the LORD our GOD with are WHOLE heart! Amen!
By the blood of CHRIST......causes us to love and tremble!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
My Step Mom, Sande needs your prayers- she is going to have open heart surgery tomorrow morning - pray that the recovery is quick and easy - thank you! Daniel
Pray for those who lost loved ones in this past weekend's severe weather - there we are least 45 tornadoes and the death tole was 22 - pray for those and those recoverying from injuries and those who lost their homes. thanks
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 5/12/08 -
Psalm 2:11
Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
Many times in the Gospels - Jesus proclaims to us not to fear - many times people did fear the very sight of God in man! Jesus came as God but had flesh on - I believe He did this for our benefit - many times we fear what we see - if we cannot see it - most times we don't fear it - today's verse is about fear - but this time we are told to fear - we need to remember who God is - He knows everything there is to know about everyone -that should strike fear in most hearts - the very fact that we cannot hide anything from God should cause us to take a better look at our lives -and allow Him to show us places that need improvement - we must fear the Lord - for Proverbs proclaims that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom - one problem most of us have is we don't fear the Lord enough -we don't take HIM at his word enough - and We fail to remain obedient to Him when we know we should -
If you want to serve the Lord -remember to do it in fear and rejoice in trembling -we must always be respectful of our God and what power He has - we need not forget that our God is are strong tower and our refuge of protection - lets only fear GOD and all else will just fall into place! Fear and Trembling - is that how you serve the LORD?
footnote: Perfect love casts out fear - we must love the LORD our GOD with are WHOLE heart! Amen!
By the blood of CHRIST......causes us to love and tremble!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
My Step Mom, Sande needs your prayers- she is going to have open heart surgery tomorrow morning - pray that the recovery is quick and easy - thank you! Daniel
Pray for those who lost loved ones in this past weekend's severe weather - there we are least 45 tornadoes and the death tole was 22 - pray for those and those recoverying from injuries and those who lost their homes. thanks
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 5/12/08 -
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