

the daily blueprint for monday 5-19-08

I AM part 2

Exodus 3:14
And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and HE said, Thus shall you say unto the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you.

Today's verse is the first place I know of that God says that HE is the I AM - note that God does not say He is the I was - or I will be - no its I AM! When Moses asked God what to say to the people of Israel - God simply said - tell them I AM sent you - God has always been and always will be - He has no beginning and He will have no end - we who are called by God will also have no end - while one day our physical bodies will die but our spirit will live on forever - just think about - forever is a long time - its so long our minds cannot comprehend it! God says He is the GREAT I AM - and HE is - and will always be! Our minds do not understand how God could have no beginning - well to me its like the vast universe that stretches on and on forever - God made that and God is even bigger then that - we don't serve a small weak god - we serve the ALMIGHTY GOD - the ONE who calls HIMSELF - I AM!
Do you know the I AM? Do you have a personal relationship with JESUS CHRIST? If you do - then walk with Him all the days of your life - if you don't - well come to know HIM right now - just give your life over to Him -admit you are a sinner without hope without Him and just surrender to Him - He came to save you - His shed blood will cover all your sins!
I have not asked this question enough and just felt since I saw someone at church saved yesterday - that is was high time to ask this question - please pray over this question -pray for those who are lost -that JESUS would save them today! Amen!

By the blood of CHRIST......we come to know the GREAT I AM!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Our church can now occupy the new building! Praise the LORD!Daniel
it's time once again for CHURCH SIGNS!
send in yours today!

church sign at a Madison, AL Church:
As long as there are final exams there will be prayer in schools.
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 5/19/08 -

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