

the daily blueprint for thursday 5-15-08


Romans 4:26-27
To declare I say, at this time His righteousness: that He might be just, and the justifier of him which believes in Jesus. Where is boasting then? it is excluded. By what law? Of works? Nay! but by the law of faith!

I was watching a dvd last night by the music group DcTalk - it was in with their Free at Last 10 year anniversary edition CD - one thing I picked up from this dvd was that these three men that make up this group -struggle with fame and being in the public eye - They want to be sure to keep the main thing the main thing and keep their focus on their Lord Jesus! We all face that same thing day by day - we all at times can get caught up in self pride - in thinking we have earned our way - but the truth is - none us has nor can earn their way - Jesus had to laid down His life to save us - that is all we should boast in - nothing more and nothing less - we all are human and when someone pays us a compliment - its very hard for it not to go to our head - and when we get puffed up- God can no longer use us - its a battle we must face every day - we must be willing to take up our cross and follow JESUS wherever He goes -and many times it will be in a direction that we don't want to go in - but let HIS will be done - lets live lives that only boast about JESUS and what HE has done -when people want to say good things about us - lets always be willing to point to the true source that causes us to live lives that bring Him glory! We all are being watched and we must present our lives as a reflection of HE who lives in us - Paul says that boasting is now excluded - its not need - for God Himself has done all to save us and redeem us through HIS SON!
If you must boast - Boast in CHRIST!

footnote: Who do you give the credit too?
By the blood of CHRIST......shows us what we should boast about!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
My Step Mom took her first steps following her surgery and is doing well - she has begun to eat solid food once again- we rejoice that this heart problem was found and corrected- thank you for your prayers! Daniel
it's time once again for CHURCH SIGNS!
send in yours today!

"God is the only One with the perspective to look down on anyone!"
Henager, Alabama
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 5/15/08 -

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