

the daily blueprint for thursday 5-22-08

I AM part 5

Song of Solomon 6:3I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine..

Today is the end of this series on the Great I AM -there are many more verses that I could use so I will do this again Lord willing - Today I am using a book of the bible I have not used much - many people see the romantic overtones to this book - and that is not by accident - for God created love - He created passion and you will find that all in this book - makes you want to go out and read this - if you want to know what true romance is - just read this book to your wife or husband! Amen!
To sum it all up in a WORD - GOD IS LOVE! Amen!
I heard a song by the group 10 Ave North called My beloved In this song they sing about a finance' and his to be bride - but taken deeper - it shows a picture of God's love for us - We the Church are the Bride of Christ -this is a hard concept to us who are male - but this is the biblical truth - the Church is the Bride and Jesus is the groom! He has brought us love through sacrifice - HE has given us a future and a hope with Him forever- He has pledged His life to us - we are united in Him and HE in us - the marriage ceremony is a picture of the God and His Bride -the Church - We are His beloved! HE has taken claim to us - He is the Great I AM - and He wants an unspotted bride - not one that has to be cleaned up - JESUS CHRIST came to take our sins away and "clean us up" so that we could have a part in His eternal kingdom - Marriage is a bond between two people - male and female - and its meant to be forever -but sadly many make this commitment and they cannot follow through and this results in broken relationships -but God can even heal that! Lets focus on the Groom and prepare ourselves as the Bride CHRIST is soon coming back for ....HE IS - THE GREAT I AM!

footnote: As the Bride are we ready for CHRIST to return?
By the blood of CHRIST makes us pure and unspotted!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Livin in Prayer will run tomorrow - Livin in the Word won't run Sat-Mon.
I am going on a mission trip to Southern Mississippi over Memorial Day weekend-
pray for the 8 of us that are going -thanks! Daniel
it's time once again for CHURCH SIGNS!
Send in yours today!

Not sure where I saw this one...but it stuck with me!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 5/22/08 -

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