

the daily blueprint for friday 5-16-08

I AM part 1

JOHN 11:25
Jesus said unto her " I AM the resurrection, and the life: he that believes in Me, thought he were dead, yet shall he live!"

Today I begin a new series - this series will highlight the fact that Jesus is the Great I AM - I will go through God's word and find the verses that show that JESUS is I AM!

Today's verse is in response to Mary and Martha at the loss of their brother Lazerus - you know the story - Jesus knew that His friend was sick and near death and yet He didn't come to his rescue when they thought He should have - Jesus delayed to bring Glory to Himself! He knew with just one word Lazerus would live again- that's all it took - Jesus was not worried at all - while Mary and Martha questioned what we all do - Does Jesus really care? In the boat that was about to capsize - The disciples found Jesus asleep -they asked Him if He cared - but we all know the answer - JESUS cares so much for us He was willing to die for us -to take our sins upon Himself - to make a way for us back to our Father God! He cares - He simply has a plan that sometimes seems to make no sense to us human beings - we don't have enough wisdom to even understand if He were to explain it all to us - we just simply need to trust HIM and take HIM at HIS word! He is the resurrection and the life - He is the only ONE that can Save you or anyone else for that matter -HE is the Great I AM!
Worship HIM today! HE alone is worthy!

footnote: GOD IS and that's enough!
By the blood of CHRIST......shows us the Love of God the Father!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Update on my Mom2 - she is doing very well- she is so thankful that this heart problem was found and corrected before she had a heart-attack - Pray for her total recovery! Thank you! Daniel
Tomorrow is Prayer Day - please send in your praises & requests! Thanks!
it's time once again for CHURCH SIGNS!
send in yours today!

- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 5/16/08 -

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