

the daily blueprint for thursday 5-29-08


Psalm 28:8
The LORD is their strength, and
He is the saving strength of His anointed!

I am continuing on the theme of God's mission for our lives - My life was changed this past weekend with a simple trip to a place in need - I saw the love of Jesus on display - and it was awesome - I am seeing that the power to do good comes directly from God -we cannot and will not do it on our own -we can sure try - but when we let go and allow God to use us in HIS way and not our way - things happen- lives are changed - the trials of this life can be overcome - I have seen the hand of God move in the lives of those who helped rebuild not only buildings but lives - and none of us will ever be the same - you might be asking how in the world we did what we did - how could we sacrifice what we did for others we don't even know - the simple answer is we cannot do it ourselves - it comes from God Himself stirring in the hearts of His followers - the bottom line is the LORD is our strength - HE is the strength of those in far off lands who not only suffer for their faith in Christ -but many lose their lives and all that they have - but in the end - the strength that allowed them to stand fast in their faith is the same strength we have as the Body of Christ -its all about our focus - apart from Christ we cannot do anything -we are simply vessels God works through - This is where strength begins - with a simple faith that says God is enough for us to get through this life - this day - this hour.
In our weakness He is strong! Always!

footnote: We need JESUS to live HIS life in us!
CHRIST Brings us strength for today and hope for tomorrow!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
I had a wonderful time helping rebuild in Perlington, Mississippi last weekend -
This is about 30 miles Northeast of New Orleans and recieved severe damange from Hurricane Katrina 3 years ago- for more info on how you can help
VISIT: Daniel
I should have some video/pictures of our trip soon - stay tuned!
Special Edition of Livin in Prayer will run this Saturday-
I will enclude a devo about Compassion Sunday which is June 1st at our church-
pray for me that God would use me to bring many children to the blessing of sponcership! Thanks! Daniel
it's time once again for CHURCH SIGNS!
Send in yours today!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 5/29/08 -


the daily blueprint for wednesday 5-28-08

In Advance...

Ephesians 2:10
For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus
unto good works, which God had before
ordained that we should walk in them.

I learned a lot this past weekend - as I have been saying - I got to go down to Southern Mississippi and help with the relief effort taking place down there - I was amazed at what a difference just 2 and half days can make in the life of someone in need- this has changed my view of those who suffer - the man we helped was named Lester - he said some amazing things about how Katrina has brought much good out of what was so bad - just the look in his face was worth the trip - God is showing me that its not about me - its all about Him - was it easy to go and work those long hours in the hot sun? no - but it was worthwhile and it also changed my life - I say all this to say that God has a plan for each of our lives - sometimes we follow Him closely and do what He wants us to do right then and there -but other times we are far behind Him and cannot really see or hear what He wants from us - in those times we are not yet ready for the mission He has set before us - the main point is God has given us works to do in advance- what an amazing concept to know that God already has a plan for our lives- we can either live it His way or our way - I have learned if we choice the latter we end up missing some great blessings on the way - Because of God's work in my life at this time - I can now see that He does in fact have a plan for me - its not easy going and doing something we are not comfortable with - but I feel that God's desire is not that we would be comfortable - but instead He just wants us to be willing to follow Him wherever He leads - the work God is calling us to do has been prepared before hand and is custom made for our lives - lets all be willing to follow the GOD who does things in advance!

footnote: Before all this - GOD had a plan!
By the blood of CHRIST we are able to do good works!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
I had a wonderful time helping rebuild in Perlington, Mississippi last weekend -
This is about 30 miles Northeast of New Orleans and recieved severe damange from Hurricane Katrina 3 years ago- for more info on how you can help
VISIT: Daniel

I should have some video/pictures of our trip soon - stay tuned!
it's time once again for CHURCH SIGNS!
Send in yours today!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 5/28/08 -
the daily blueprint for wednesday 5-28-08

In Advance...

Ephesians 2:10
For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus
unto good works, which God had before
ordained that we should walk in them.

I learned a lot this past weekend - as I have been saying - I got to go down to Southern Mississippi and help with the relief effort taking place down there - I was amazed at what a difference just 2 and half days can make in the life of someone in need- this has changed my view of those who suffer - the man we helped was named Lester - he said some amazing things about how Katrina has brought much good out of what was so bad - just the look in his face was worth the trip - God is showing me that its not about me - its all about Him - was it easy to go and work those long hours in the hot sun? no - but it was worthwhile and it also changed my life - I say all this to say that God has a plan for each of our lives - sometimes we follow Him closely and do what He wants us to do right then and there -but other times we are far behind Him and cannot really see or hear what He wants from us - in those times we are not yet ready for the mission He has set before us - the main point is God has given us works to do in advance- what an amazing concept to know that God already has a plan for our lives- we can either live it His way or our way - I have learned if we choice the latter we end up missing some great blessings on the way - Because of God's work in my life at this time - I can now see that He does in fact have a plan for me - its not easy going and doing something we are not comfortable with - but I feel that God's desire is not that we would be comfortable - but instead He just wants us to be willing to follow Him wherever He leads - the work God is calling us to do has been prepared before hand and is custom made for our lives - lets all be willing to follow the GOD who does things in advance!

footnote: Before all this - GOD had a plan!
By the blood of CHRIST we are able to do good works!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
I had a wonderful time helping rebuild in Perlington, Mississippi last weekend -
This is about 30 miles Northeast of New Orleans and recieved severe damange from Hurricane Katrina 3 years ago- for more info on how you can help
VISIT: Daniel

I should have some video/pictures of our trip soon - stay tuned!
it's time once again for CHURCH SIGNS!
Send in yours today!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 5/28/08 -
the daily blueprint for thursday 5-22-08

I AM part 5

Song of Solomon 6:3I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine..

Today is the end of this series on the Great I AM -there are many more verses that I could use so I will do this again Lord willing - Today I am using a book of the bible I have not used much - many people see the romantic overtones to this book - and that is not by accident - for God created love - He created passion and you will find that all in this book - makes you want to go out and read this - if you want to know what true romance is - just read this book to your wife or husband! Amen!
To sum it all up in a WORD - GOD IS LOVE! Amen!
I heard a song by the group 10 Ave North called My beloved In this song they sing about a finance' and his to be bride - but taken deeper - it shows a picture of God's love for us - We the Church are the Bride of Christ -this is a hard concept to us who are male - but this is the biblical truth - the Church is the Bride and Jesus is the groom! He has brought us love through sacrifice - HE has given us a future and a hope with Him forever- He has pledged His life to us - we are united in Him and HE in us - the marriage ceremony is a picture of the God and His Bride -the Church - We are His beloved! HE has taken claim to us - He is the Great I AM - and He wants an unspotted bride - not one that has to be cleaned up - JESUS CHRIST came to take our sins away and "clean us up" so that we could have a part in His eternal kingdom - Marriage is a bond between two people - male and female - and its meant to be forever -but sadly many make this commitment and they cannot follow through and this results in broken relationships -but God can even heal that! Lets focus on the Groom and prepare ourselves as the Bride CHRIST is soon coming back for ....HE IS - THE GREAT I AM!

footnote: As the Bride are we ready for CHRIST to return?
By the blood of CHRIST makes us pure and unspotted!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Livin in Prayer will run tomorrow - Livin in the Word won't run Sat-Mon.
I am going on a mission trip to Southern Mississippi over Memorial Day weekend-
pray for the 8 of us that are going -thanks! Daniel
it's time once again for CHURCH SIGNS!
Send in yours today!

Not sure where I saw this one...but it stuck with me!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 5/22/08 -


the daily blueprint for wednesday 5-21-08

I AM part 4

ISAIAH 48:12
Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called;
I am he; I am the first, I also am the last.

In this ongoing theme of the Great I AM - God again reminds us that HE is the first and the last -HE has always been - and always will be - He is eternal but also everywhere all at once -He sees all at once - while we see just today or maybe tomorrow- and its a chance we see down the road a few months - we have the plans drawn out - the time taken off - and we want things to work out our way many times- but God often has other ideas - His plans are grander then our plans - HE has seen the end of all things - He has also been there in the beginning - and He was even there before the beginning ever took place - He stands outside of time and yet came into time as Jesus Christ and laid His life down -
He reminds us that HE simply IS -that is enough for me! He is so much more then mere words could express. He is that great! Our minds are too small - our view to limited to see just how great HE really is - all we have is the WORD and HIS SPIRIT and believe that is enough -that's where faith plays a role - God has chosen not to reveal it all to us just yet - there is still much mystery with God and as ive said before once you think you have HIM understood - He moves! But at the same time He is the same today - as He was yesterday as He will be tomorrow and forever more after that - You can count on GOD & you can take HIM at HIS word always. He is the great I AM!

footnote: The Alpha and Omega - the Beginning and the end -
all in JESUS our LORD!
By the blood of CHRIST opened up heaven to us!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Livin in Prayer will run Friday this week- Livin in the Word won't run Sat-Mon.
I am going on a mission trip to Southern Mississippi over Memorial Day weekend-
pray for the 8 of us that are going -thanks! Daniel
it's time once again for CHURCH SIGNS!
Send in yours today!

Not sure where I saw this one...but it stuck with me!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 5/21/08 -


the daily blueprint for tuesday 5-20-08

I AM part 3

Leviticus 19:4
Turn ye not unto idols, nor make to yourselves molten gods:
I am the LORD your God.

Today we shift gears a little, God has told Moses that HE is the Great I AM and that the words Moses speaks will be His words not Moses's! Today God tells His people just who He is - He is the I AM - the only GOD - He says not to turn to false idols that will only bring you death - but turn to HIM the true and living God - there is none like Him! Sometimes we have idols in our lives without even knowing it -and the scary thing is that it can disguise itself as something good - perfect church attendance is fine but when you brag about it and look down on those who miss -its wrong - if you think that being in church every time the lights are on makes you a better Christian than those down the street who don't attend as much - in God's eyes it makes you no better then them - going to church will help you with your walk and its a good thing to do - but used wrong it can become an idol - work is one idol America struggles with - many people are married to their jobs - what they do for a living is their whole life -now its not wrong to give your jobs all you have and its not wrong to be successful but the line must be drawn - I had a conversation with God as I put some mulch in my garden I am working on - I felt like HE was saying -its great you want your garden to look nice -but what about the gospel - what about the business of saving souls - I got out of this conversation that we put other things ahead of God and that's an idol- its scary to think about it - but right then and there I asked God to show me where I need to draw closer - at first I said help me to see this - but then I remembered that its what HE sees that is important - now is having a nice yard a bad thing? No its not - but when it becomes all you do and all you focus on - you will miss what God has for you - we must be about God's business of bring the truth to the lost around us - if we lose focus we end up doing what matters to us instead of what matters to God -
Remember HE is the GREAT I AM - He made us and brought us with a price - We now belong to Him - its no longer our lives but His!

footnote: what does your life mean?
By the blood of CHRIST we regain on the focus on why we are here!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Livin in Prayer will run Friday this week- Livin in the Word won't run Sat-Mon.
I am going on a mission trip to Southern Mississippi over Memorial Day weekend-
pray for the 8 of us that are going -thanks! Daniel
it's time once again for CHURCH SIGNS!
Send in yours today!

Not sure where I saw this one...but it stuck with me!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 5/20/08 -


the daily blueprint for monday 5-19-08

I AM part 2

Exodus 3:14
And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and HE said, Thus shall you say unto the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you.

Today's verse is the first place I know of that God says that HE is the I AM - note that God does not say He is the I was - or I will be - no its I AM! When Moses asked God what to say to the people of Israel - God simply said - tell them I AM sent you - God has always been and always will be - He has no beginning and He will have no end - we who are called by God will also have no end - while one day our physical bodies will die but our spirit will live on forever - just think about - forever is a long time - its so long our minds cannot comprehend it! God says He is the GREAT I AM - and HE is - and will always be! Our minds do not understand how God could have no beginning - well to me its like the vast universe that stretches on and on forever - God made that and God is even bigger then that - we don't serve a small weak god - we serve the ALMIGHTY GOD - the ONE who calls HIMSELF - I AM!
Do you know the I AM? Do you have a personal relationship with JESUS CHRIST? If you do - then walk with Him all the days of your life - if you don't - well come to know HIM right now - just give your life over to Him -admit you are a sinner without hope without Him and just surrender to Him - He came to save you - His shed blood will cover all your sins!
I have not asked this question enough and just felt since I saw someone at church saved yesterday - that is was high time to ask this question - please pray over this question -pray for those who are lost -that JESUS would save them today! Amen!

By the blood of CHRIST......we come to know the GREAT I AM!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Our church can now occupy the new building! Praise the LORD!Daniel
it's time once again for CHURCH SIGNS!
send in yours today!

church sign at a Madison, AL Church:
As long as there are final exams there will be prayer in schools.
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 5/19/08 -


the daily blueprint for friday 5-16-08

I AM part 1

JOHN 11:25
Jesus said unto her " I AM the resurrection, and the life: he that believes in Me, thought he were dead, yet shall he live!"

Today I begin a new series - this series will highlight the fact that Jesus is the Great I AM - I will go through God's word and find the verses that show that JESUS is I AM!

Today's verse is in response to Mary and Martha at the loss of their brother Lazerus - you know the story - Jesus knew that His friend was sick and near death and yet He didn't come to his rescue when they thought He should have - Jesus delayed to bring Glory to Himself! He knew with just one word Lazerus would live again- that's all it took - Jesus was not worried at all - while Mary and Martha questioned what we all do - Does Jesus really care? In the boat that was about to capsize - The disciples found Jesus asleep -they asked Him if He cared - but we all know the answer - JESUS cares so much for us He was willing to die for us -to take our sins upon Himself - to make a way for us back to our Father God! He cares - He simply has a plan that sometimes seems to make no sense to us human beings - we don't have enough wisdom to even understand if He were to explain it all to us - we just simply need to trust HIM and take HIM at HIS word! He is the resurrection and the life - He is the only ONE that can Save you or anyone else for that matter -HE is the Great I AM!
Worship HIM today! HE alone is worthy!

footnote: GOD IS and that's enough!
By the blood of CHRIST......shows us the Love of God the Father!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Update on my Mom2 - she is doing very well- she is so thankful that this heart problem was found and corrected before she had a heart-attack - Pray for her total recovery! Thank you! Daniel
Tomorrow is Prayer Day - please send in your praises & requests! Thanks!
it's time once again for CHURCH SIGNS!
send in yours today!

- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 5/16/08 -
the daily blueprint for thursday 5-15-08


Romans 4:26-27
To declare I say, at this time His righteousness: that He might be just, and the justifier of him which believes in Jesus. Where is boasting then? it is excluded. By what law? Of works? Nay! but by the law of faith!

I was watching a dvd last night by the music group DcTalk - it was in with their Free at Last 10 year anniversary edition CD - one thing I picked up from this dvd was that these three men that make up this group -struggle with fame and being in the public eye - They want to be sure to keep the main thing the main thing and keep their focus on their Lord Jesus! We all face that same thing day by day - we all at times can get caught up in self pride - in thinking we have earned our way - but the truth is - none us has nor can earn their way - Jesus had to laid down His life to save us - that is all we should boast in - nothing more and nothing less - we all are human and when someone pays us a compliment - its very hard for it not to go to our head - and when we get puffed up- God can no longer use us - its a battle we must face every day - we must be willing to take up our cross and follow JESUS wherever He goes -and many times it will be in a direction that we don't want to go in - but let HIS will be done - lets live lives that only boast about JESUS and what HE has done -when people want to say good things about us - lets always be willing to point to the true source that causes us to live lives that bring Him glory! We all are being watched and we must present our lives as a reflection of HE who lives in us - Paul says that boasting is now excluded - its not need - for God Himself has done all to save us and redeem us through HIS SON!
If you must boast - Boast in CHRIST!

footnote: Who do you give the credit too?
By the blood of CHRIST......shows us what we should boast about!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
My Step Mom took her first steps following her surgery and is doing well - she has begun to eat solid food once again- we rejoice that this heart problem was found and corrected- thank you for your prayers! Daniel
it's time once again for CHURCH SIGNS!
send in yours today!

"God is the only One with the perspective to look down on anyone!"
Henager, Alabama
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 5/15/08 -
the daily blueprint for wednesday 5-14-08

Anger: Put it away

Ephesians 4:31Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:

Today's verse by Paul proclaims what we should do as born again children of God above -we need to get rid of things in our lives - or better let - allow GOD to take them out of our lives- when we truely follow our Lord Jesus - our lives cannot help but change - Paul says we need not have bitterness , wrath or anger in our lives- to be like Christ however means we do get angery sometimes - but here lies the point - if we get angry like Jesus did - we would be righteous in our anger - Jesus was no push over- He drove out those selling in His Father's House - The Word says for us to be angry but not to sin - it also says we should never let the sun go down on our wrath - we don't need to hold grudges - we don't need to be mad because we don't get our way - but we do need to be angry about the injustice in the world - the sin that consumes the world - when we are angry in the right way - we can be used mightly by God - however - misplaced anger can ruin our witness for Christ -if we are angry all the time and have no joy in our lives -why would anyone want to be around us - much less follow Christ? I know these are harsh words - I am hearing what is being witten and have to acknowledge my failure in this area - I often get angry about things that matter very little - I tend to make a moutian from what is actually a mole hill - now anger has its place in our lives but should not be the only thing people see - God is Love proclaims His Mighty Word -let this be true of our lives- when people see us - do they see the love of CHRIST or just an angry person? Lets allow God to rid our lives of those things that hinder our walk and witness for Christ!

footnote: God says for us to be angry but sin not....this is the key!
By the blood of CHRIST......we can demonstrate real love!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Sande (my Mom2) did wonderfully today - she had to have a triple by-pass (they had only planned a single) - the Dr said her heart is in good shape - she is recoverying - pray for a speedy recovery -thanks! Daniel
it's time once again for CHURCH SIGNS!
send in yours today!

"God is the only One with the perspective to look down on anyone!"
Henager, Alabama
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 5/14/08 -
the daily blueprint for Tuesday 5-13-08


Philippians 4:6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

Today I used a different version of God's Word- when I looked up worry in the King James (since I don't have my bible with me - I am using and worry would not come up - I needed to talk today on this subject - in part because my step mom Sande is going to have major surgery this morning - and I have to admit I do worry about this as does my Dad - but we all know she is in God's hands now - He can and is able to heal her on the spot - her survival does not depend on me or my dad nor the doctors but on God alone - but yet in our flesh we worry - but worry won't add a thing - it won't help at all - believe me - I am a world-class worrier I come by it honestly - and I do it so well -so naturally - I don't even have to think about worrying - it just happens - but I know its futile to worry - I don't want to lack faith in God at all - at any time but that is exactly what worry is - we cannot do anything about the outcome - all we can do is trust God and take HIM at HIS word - He alone is faithful! Trust in Him today and don't worry!

footnote: worry is nothing more then wasted time better spent trusting JESUS!
By the blood of CHRIST......we need not worry ever again!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
My Step Mom is scheduled for surgery around 7am (Eastern) pray for a successful surgery and for a quick recovery - I will be traveling home after she is out of surgery. thanks for your prayers! God bless you - Daniel
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 5/13/08 -
the daily blueprint for monday 5-12-08


Psalm 2:11
Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

Many times in the Gospels - Jesus proclaims to us not to fear - many times people did fear the very sight of God in man! Jesus came as God but had flesh on - I believe He did this for our benefit - many times we fear what we see - if we cannot see it - most times we don't fear it - today's verse is about fear - but this time we are told to fear - we need to remember who God is - He knows everything there is to know about everyone -that should strike fear in most hearts - the very fact that we cannot hide anything from God should cause us to take a better look at our lives -and allow Him to show us places that need improvement - we must fear the Lord - for Proverbs proclaims that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom - one problem most of us have is we don't fear the Lord enough -we don't take HIM at his word enough - and We fail to remain obedient to Him when we know we should -
If you want to serve the Lord -remember to do it in fear and rejoice in trembling -we must always be respectful of our God and what power He has - we need not forget that our God is are strong tower and our refuge of protection - lets only fear GOD and all else will just fall into place! Fear and Trembling - is that how you serve the LORD?

footnote: Perfect love casts out fear - we must love the LORD our GOD with are WHOLE heart! Amen!
By the blood of CHRIST......causes us to love and tremble!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
My Step Mom, Sande needs your prayers- she is going to have open heart surgery tomorrow morning - pray that the recovery is quick and easy - thank you! Daniel
Pray for those who lost loved ones in this past weekend's severe weather - there we are least 45 tornadoes and the death tole was 22 - pray for those and those recoverying from injuries and those who lost their homes. thanks
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 5/12/08 -

this is my 400th post!!!!!!

the daily blueprint for thurday 5-8-08

James Chapter 2 part 15

James 2:26
For as the body without the spirit is dead,
so faith without works is dead.

Today we come to the last verse of Chapter 2 of James - just like last time I am going to walk to another book and skip around as God so leads me - I pray that you have enjoyed this Chapter and pray for me as I go other places in God's Word!

Today's verse is the end cap of the subject of works Vs faith - James does not mean to stir up a debate - but does mean to make a point - as I read this final verse of chapter 2 - I was stuck with a fact - when you believe on Christ and He comes into your life and you become a new creation its not forced - but rather it comes from the inside out - religion however tries to make the change via the outside instead of the inside -and that is why we have so many who don't know Christ but think they do -this is again why we must look at the fruit - as Jesus said about the trees and their fruit production - we must be careful that we are sure we see what we see - this year in my Bsf class - I learned how Jesus came upon a Fig tree that was fully leafed out - He walked up expecting figs but when He found none - He cursed the tree - I never understood that until now - from a distance we can look the part of a saved person - but upon close inspection - if we don't see Jesus Christ and His life shining out from our lives- we must question rather we are really walking with Jesus - James says that faith without works is dead just like a body without the Spirit - believe me- I have seen the dead walk - I have seen people who seem to have it all together but really are nothing more then dead man bones - I say this not to judge but to warn - many times we think we agree with someone until we go a little further - God wants us to be wise - and He does not want us to fall for anything and everything - His truth is secure and it lasts forever - It never changes - however the ways of the world are nothing more then winds of change- where you place your trust? If its any where but CHRIST JESUS -we must revaluate our lives- amen!

footnote: Only those who really know Jesus
can really work the works of faith.
By the blood of CHRIST......our faith has works!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Pray for John R(of Ga) - he needs healing from cancer - thank you-
Livin in the Word will take a day off tomorrow and there will not be a devotional on Friday - on Saturday we will have Livin In Prayer -send in your praises & prayers!
Thank you - A speical edtion of Livin in the Word will run on Sunday for Mother's day! Contiune to live in God's Word!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 5/8/08 -


the daily blueprint for wednesday 5-7-08

James Chapter 2 part 14

James 2:24-25
You see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only. Likewise also was not Rehab the harlot justified by
works, when she had received the massagers, and
had sent them out another way?

These verses have really caused controversy in the church - some say that no work you can do can save you -while other's say that you must work out your own salvation with fear and trembling and the funny thing about this - both groups wrote the Bible! So which side do you side with - the funny answer is both - for what we have is two groups looking at the same thing from a different perspective -those who say works cannot save you - look on to JESUS when He laid down His life for our sins - its His Sacrifice - His Death and His Resurrection that in fact paid for our salvation - but the other group see the same thing from the other side - they say we have been saved for good works - and without such good works -the proof of salvation would not be there -after all its Jesus Himself who said we should look at the fruit being produced - He also said that only bad (lost) trees can produce bad fruit - while good (saved)trees cannot produce bad fruit - only good - with in these two examples there are some who are in fact saved but don't act like it - only God knows the deadlevel truth of someone salvation - many make claims to know Christ and yet live lives that simply make that hard to believe -while others do they profession with the actions and not their words - that's the group I want to be in - we have sat around long enough saying stuff -its time to do stuff - I think that is what James is calling us to do - while these verses are debated throughout time -we need to remember that JESUS came to save -and once He saves us - we belong to Him and in such - we should begin to produce good works of worship - of praise to our King - many thing producing fruit it optional - but I don't believe we have any such option -we all need to read the Word and pray and seek God's face -these are some of the most complicated verses I have ever written on - I pray that God's Spirit has brought clarity to these words!

footnote: Salvation should bring change. if not - look at the source!
By the blood of CHRIST......we become new creations!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Pray for my brother-in-law Michael -unspoken request.
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 5/7/08 -


the daily blueprint for monday 5-5-08

James Chapter 2 part 13

James 2:23
And the scripture was fulfilled which said, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the friend of God...

Believe it or not -but we are all in the same position that Abraham was in - now some of you would say that Abraham was a Spiritual Giant and we cannot be compared to him - but wait -its true - we all have the option to be filled with God's righteousness - its our faith that causes God to open the gates of heaven -but without Jesus and His sacrifice - even our faith alone would not be enough -we must believe God when He says we are now in Christ and we are new creations - we can believe all we want but unless we take hold of Jesus Christ and His death - all our good works warrant nothing at all - we can try and live a righteous life on our own - but we won't make it - we cannot keep the law in ourselves - only through Christ can we be righteous - its not what we do that saves us - its what Jesus already did that saves us - but once saved - we are now inhabited by the Holy Spirit of the living God - and now can do good works (not in our own power but in God's) but remember its not that works themselves that save us - but the blood of the Lamb - Abraham believed God (but please note he didn't always believe God - as he devised a plan to have an offspring in a way that God was not commanding him too) he was righteous through the blood - it was not Abraham's actions that saved him but God Himself - you see Jesus died and rose again not just for our sins - but for all sins! Abraham through he lived before Christ - also is included -in a word -amazing - lets see what else James has to say in tomorrow's verse-
Please read vs 24!

footnote: When God looks at us through His Son -there is no sins anymore! They have been washed away by the blood of the Lamb!
By the blood of CHRIST......we are righteous!!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Happy Birthday to my new sponsored child - "Leni" - she turns 13 today!
Pray for my brother-in-law Michael -unspoken request.
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 5/5/08 -
Being right with GOD means being right through HIS SON!


the daily blueprint for wednesday 4-30-08

James Chapter 2 part 12

James 2:21-22
Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the Altar? Seeing that how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect?

Today's verse is very controversial - many use this verse to say that its the works we do that saves us - but they misunderstand what is said here - to me the best way I can see it is to say that while it was grace that saved Abraham - without the works we would have a much different picture of Abraham - what if when we were saved we went on living just like we did when we were lost -if there is no change -maybe a change didn't take place! We who have been reborn from above view our world differently then we did when were lost - our whole world view changes and what do should change as well - of course there are cases of those who do in fact know Christ and yet show no works at all - many have backslidden into the old lifestyle and there are works that do not line up with God's perfect will - they go against the truth -so there is no fruit to be given at all - we must be plugged into Christ so that we do the works of Christ -we cannot do it apart from Him - we must live genuine lives of faith and then our works will line up with our faith - allow the Holy Spirit to transform you and not your self effort-
Christ must be in the midst of our works - or they will be worthless.
let CHRIST live in your life today - the world around us is watching!

footnote: John 15:5 - .....apart from ME you can do nothing....
because of CHRIST......we have good works!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Coming Thursday - the National Day Of Prayer- Livin In Prayer will run Tomorrow this week so we can add to the prayers of this great day - send in your praise or prayer request today!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 4/30/08 -