

the daily blueprint for tuesday 4-8-08

James Chapter 2 part 2

James 2:2-4
For if there comes a man into your assembly with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man in vile garment; and you have respect to him that wares the goodly clothing, and say to him, Sit here in a good place; and then say to the poor, you stand there, or sit here under my footstool: Are you not then patial in yourselves, and have become judges of evil thoughts?

As human beings in an imperfect world -we do end up treating people differntly- just try this sometime -if you see someone who is famous - what do you do? If you a normal person- you treat them differntley - or if you see a poor begger on the street- you will do whatever you can to avoid them - this is harsh reality - and its not pretty -but its so true of our fallen human nature- in another place we treat our bosses differnt then we do our fellow co-workers - this is life in the corperate world - its a good place to be of the world and not in the world - Its sad but we do make judgments of those around us simply by the way they look - God says this should not be so - and it has no place in the church -it is sure to divide us and allow satan to get a foothold on us - lets love like Jesus loves and show no partiality -afterall God made everyone!
footnote: Is there anyone that does not belong to God? He made every man and every woman - they all count to Him!
because of CHRIST......we learn to love the different!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Pray for my cat Johnnie - he has been having serizers and they are getting worse -thanks!
Also pray for Angus and Samantha as they minister in Haiti the next two weeks. thanks-
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 4/8/08 -

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