

the daily blueprint for tuesday 4-7-08

James Chapter 2 part 1

James 2:1
My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons.

Right off the bat James tackles a big issue even in today's church- the problem when you have people gather together is the presence of clicks or groups of people who only hang out with those of their group- without including anyone else in their little group -much of the time this happens without any intent for it to happen - but people seem to only want to deal with certain people - James says our faith should not be in respect of persons - another words - our focus must remain on Christ and His saving work - and that fact that God can and does save anyone He wants too - no one is too far from the cross to be saved - we may give up on people but God never will -we need to remember the greatest commandment is to love God and others - this must remain in this order- anything else will cause major problems- we must keep the main thing the main thing -often we get distracted by our friends - and try to impress them and often compromising our faith -we must keep our focus on God and not ourselves - many times we turn in and look inside us - and try to gain approval with those around us- sadly we try to do the same thing with our relationship with Christ -we need to live out of the fact that HE is our Lord and He calls us out of the world to join His ranks - lets live like James says today and always - God loves all and made all - We all belong to His Creation - no one is better then anyone else- amen!
footnote: We all are the same in God's eyes!
because of CHRIST......we all can share in His kingdom if we surrender to Him!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Pray for my cat Johnnie - he has been having serizers and they are getting worse -thanks!
Also pray for Angus and Samantha as they minister in Haiti the next two weeks. thanks-
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 4/7/08 -

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