

the daily blueprint for tuesday 4-22-08

James Chapter 2 part 8

James 2:15-17
If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, and one of you say unto them, depart in peace, be warmed and filled; notwithstanding you give them not those things which are needed for the body; what does it profit? Even so faith, if it has not works it is dead, being alone...

In Today's verses - James contiunes on the thought about the works of our faith - his example is when seeing those in need - simply saying hello or be blessed is not enough -its without profit - how many times have we missed oppurunties to minister in the name of Jesus to those we met each day - there are real people with real needs - you can see them each and every day - often we don't do anything because of fear or just the fact we don't know what to do - or what to believe about those in need- as gas prices climb and job layoffs become more and more common - there will be even more people in need - how many times have we just passed them by for reasons like being too busy and even not seeing the need or even wanting to help at all -we live in a sin-sick world and its hard to trust -its hard to put yourself out - but our life is not our own - it belongs now to Christ -for He paid for us! Amen!
One reason I am involved with Compassion is that this ministy feeds those without food - and without Christ - it clothes the naked and feeds the hungry and also brings to light Christ to them! We have a mission field around us each day - James says faith without works is dead - being alone - if we simply talk the talk and don't walk the walk -we will lose our witness to the lost around us - people are in need around us - do we even notice them or are we so focused on our needs - the needs of others just fall through the cracks!? Lets serve others in the Name of Christ - that way our faith has power behind the words we speak!
because of CHRIST......our faith is alive and well!

- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 4/22/08 -

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