the daily blueprint for thursday 4-12-08
James Chapter 2 part 6
James 2:10
For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point is guilty of all...
The stance God takes toward sin is much different then ours is - we feel if we just tell a while lie we are ok - but God calls us a sinner if we do just that - and James says we become guilty of the whole law - we want to get by with as much as we can so long as its not really sin we are ok right? This is not how God views it - He sees all sin the same -all of it is destructive to His children - He is not some killjoy with a list of rules and regulations to end our pleasure - but He does put His law in our hearts and has a line that He does not want us to cross for our own good - God loves us and made us in His image and wants us to have sweet fellowship with Him - without Christ this cannot happen because of sin - but Christ came and laid down His life for us - for our sins - He took our sins and died for them - we now can enjoy fellowship with God - but in that - we will no longer want to disobey Him -we will want to please Him - He has the law but we are now under grace but this does not mean do what you want and then ask for forgiveness -this cheapens His grace -He wants our lives to reflect HIS glory but if we are living a life full of sin -that cannot happen - yes we can be forgiven of all the sins we have committed and will ever commit - by way live a life displeasing to God -the God who came as Jesus to die for our sins!?
Lets let HIS SPIRIT rule us always - HE knows always what is best-
No sin you commit is unforgivable - save for blasphemy of the Holy Spirit which is unbelief! Seek God - ask for forgiveness and live for HIM always! Praise HIS Name!
footnote: When CHRIST comes in -sin should go out!
because of CHRIST......our sins are forgiven - AMEN!
LIVIN IN THE WORD - 4/12/08 -
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