the daily blueprint for monday 4-21-08
James Chapter 2 part 7
James 2:14
What does it profit, my brethren, though a man say he has faith, and have not works? Can that faith save him?
God placed a vision on my heart about 2 years ago - I felt lead to help others one Saturday a month - I did this a couple of weeks but it did not keep on - its been 2 years but now God is finally bringing it to pass - I am learning how to focus on others - many times we just want to sit back and enjoy the grace God has given us - and say we have faith -and if we do that's good - but what's better then that? When we actually reach out to others in the name of Christ - I have to admit I could do so much more - but our works DO NOT SAVE US right!?
They don't save us at all -only the blood of JESUS does - but faith without works is dead faith - its not of much worth - and when we stay to ourselves we miss out on helping those in need- God has a plan and a place for each of us - He wants you to work right were you are sometimes -other times He will cause you to move great distances - but what matters is that we demonstrate our faith day to day - there are so many needs around us - I have to admit ive spent a great deal of time worrying about myself and my needs while missing out on the blessing that comes from helping others - lets not sit on our pews while the world around us in need -sometimes the rules need to be broken so we can serve Christ completely -there is too much division among us - it should not be so - we all need to work together - in the name of Christ -no matter what our church is called - we are Christ follows first and then church members - sometimes we spend too much time in the four walls of the church -we must as God put on my heart years ago -Preach to the Streets -God wants to use you today - why not check out way to help others -not to earn grace ( you cannot do that anyway!) But because CHRIST Loved us first -out of worship to our Savior and King!
Lets have faith that is alive - not dead!
footnote: Real faith is faith in action....
because of CHRIST......we serve others!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Pray for Earl's Mom - she has been having some problems lately. thank you.
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 4/21/08 -
James Chapter 2 part 7
James 2:14
What does it profit, my brethren, though a man say he has faith, and have not works? Can that faith save him?
God placed a vision on my heart about 2 years ago - I felt lead to help others one Saturday a month - I did this a couple of weeks but it did not keep on - its been 2 years but now God is finally bringing it to pass - I am learning how to focus on others - many times we just want to sit back and enjoy the grace God has given us - and say we have faith -and if we do that's good - but what's better then that? When we actually reach out to others in the name of Christ - I have to admit I could do so much more - but our works DO NOT SAVE US right!?
They don't save us at all -only the blood of JESUS does - but faith without works is dead faith - its not of much worth - and when we stay to ourselves we miss out on helping those in need- God has a plan and a place for each of us - He wants you to work right were you are sometimes -other times He will cause you to move great distances - but what matters is that we demonstrate our faith day to day - there are so many needs around us - I have to admit ive spent a great deal of time worrying about myself and my needs while missing out on the blessing that comes from helping others - lets not sit on our pews while the world around us in need -sometimes the rules need to be broken so we can serve Christ completely -there is too much division among us - it should not be so - we all need to work together - in the name of Christ -no matter what our church is called - we are Christ follows first and then church members - sometimes we spend too much time in the four walls of the church -we must as God put on my heart years ago -Preach to the Streets -God wants to use you today - why not check out way to help others -not to earn grace ( you cannot do that anyway!) But because CHRIST Loved us first -out of worship to our Savior and King!
Lets have faith that is alive - not dead!
footnote: Real faith is faith in action....
because of CHRIST......we serve others!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Pray for Earl's Mom - she has been having some problems lately. thank you.
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 4/21/08 -
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