

CARRIED AWAY - 3-31-08

LUKE 24:51
And it came to pass, while He blessed them, He was parted from them, and carried up into heaven...

Today's verse is the very end of Jesus' earthly ministry - He was taken to heaven - HE did not die but was carried up to heaven - He was going back to where HE had come from -His mission was complete - it was all done - He blessed them and then in a flash He was gone - the same thing will happen to each of us one day -we will be taken up into the sky and finally be home - just the thought of going home makes me excited - but at the same time I fear the unknown of it all -that's human to fear what we don't know - but however we end up home is the best way - God has our last day planned out already - but He has not shared that info with any of us - some may claim to know when they will die - but that's not from God at all - we can all guess at it - but God knew it best not to tell us when our last breath will be - We will all go some place -the question is -where is your final destination!? Were are your reservations made? The truth is only JESUS can bring us to God- both forgiving us of our sins and making a way for us to access to the Kingdom -the facts are the longer we live - the more people we know will be going home -its hard to deal with - but its reality - God has a plan that is much better then ours - HE knows when its time for us to come home - in the meantime we must live each day -each moment as if it was our last -what would you do if you knew you had 1 day to live -I bet all of us would do things differently - I know I would - but lets not worry about when we are going to go home and live for JESUS know -
Lets allow HIM to carry us away and not get carried away by this world!
footnote: If I could save time in a bottle - id spend every moment with you! (This is from a 1970's song but I forget who wrote it!)
because of CHRIST......our lives will never really end!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Please pray for the family of Eva S.
this is my brother-in-law's Mother -
she went home to be with Jesus early Sunday morning-
thanks for your prayerful support- Daniel

- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 3/31/08 -
Each day is one day closer to our homecoming.

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