the daily blueprint for monday 4-28-08
James Chapter 2 part 11
James 2:20
But will you know, Oh vain man, that faith without works is dead?
Yesterday morning in Sunday School as we read through Ephesians - we came to a verse that said we are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works... To me this means God made us to be like Himself - He made us for good works- not that these works would ever or could ever save us - but once who know Christ- He expects to be present in our lives and He does not want to share us with anyone else- God has a plan for each of our lives - and He wants us to do good things- again not to earn a place in His kingdom but because we have a place in His kingdom -sealed by the blood of Christ the Lord. Our lives after conversion should be filled with good works- anything we do for Christ will turn out good - its not about being better then our fellowman - its about bringing God glory - James again reiterates that faith without works is dead - its dead faith - of little worth - we must be outside our walls of our churches to really serve Christ- yes we can serve Him in the church but God does not want to limit our workplace there -HE wants us to go out through the world and show them Christ in us - He is the hope of Glory - He is the hope that every man -woman and child needs - We have the truth living inside of us - and many of us want to sit on the sidelines and let the new in the faith doe all the work - thinking we have earned our rest - lets be like Paul as he said he must complete the race set before and to finish strong should be our goal - our lives belong to Christ now -let work for the Lord! Let your works show your faith is alive and well today and you will bring glory to God!
footnote: Apart from Christ we cannot do any good works at all!
because of CHRIST......we live and breathe good works!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Coming Thursday - the National Day Of Prayer- Livin In Prayer will run Thursday this week so we can add to the prayers of this great day - send in your praise or prayer request today!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 4/28/08 -
Whatever we do - lets do it unto the Lord!
James Chapter 2 part 11
James 2:20
But will you know, Oh vain man, that faith without works is dead?
Yesterday morning in Sunday School as we read through Ephesians - we came to a verse that said we are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works... To me this means God made us to be like Himself - He made us for good works- not that these works would ever or could ever save us - but once who know Christ- He expects to be present in our lives and He does not want to share us with anyone else- God has a plan for each of our lives - and He wants us to do good things- again not to earn a place in His kingdom but because we have a place in His kingdom -sealed by the blood of Christ the Lord. Our lives after conversion should be filled with good works- anything we do for Christ will turn out good - its not about being better then our fellowman - its about bringing God glory - James again reiterates that faith without works is dead - its dead faith - of little worth - we must be outside our walls of our churches to really serve Christ- yes we can serve Him in the church but God does not want to limit our workplace there -HE wants us to go out through the world and show them Christ in us - He is the hope of Glory - He is the hope that every man -woman and child needs - We have the truth living inside of us - and many of us want to sit on the sidelines and let the new in the faith doe all the work - thinking we have earned our rest - lets be like Paul as he said he must complete the race set before and to finish strong should be our goal - our lives belong to Christ now -let work for the Lord! Let your works show your faith is alive and well today and you will bring glory to God!
footnote: Apart from Christ we cannot do any good works at all!
because of CHRIST......we live and breathe good works!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Coming Thursday - the National Day Of Prayer- Livin In Prayer will run Thursday this week so we can add to the prayers of this great day - send in your praise or prayer request today!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 4/28/08 -
Whatever we do - lets do it unto the Lord!