

the daily blueprint for monday 4-28-08

James Chapter 2 part 11

James 2:20
But will you know, Oh vain man, that faith without works is dead?

Yesterday morning in Sunday School as we read through Ephesians - we came to a verse that said we are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works... To me this means God made us to be like Himself - He made us for good works- not that these works would ever or could ever save us - but once who know Christ- He expects to be present in our lives and He does not want to share us with anyone else- God has a plan for each of our lives - and He wants us to do good things- again not to earn a place in His kingdom but because we have a place in His kingdom -sealed by the blood of Christ the Lord. Our lives after conversion should be filled with good works- anything we do for Christ will turn out good - its not about being better then our fellowman - its about bringing God glory - James again reiterates that faith without works is dead - its dead faith - of little worth - we must be outside our walls of our churches to really serve Christ- yes we can serve Him in the church but God does not want to limit our workplace there -HE wants us to go out through the world and show them Christ in us - He is the hope of Glory - He is the hope that every man -woman and child needs - We have the truth living inside of us - and many of us want to sit on the sidelines and let the new in the faith doe all the work - thinking we have earned our rest - lets be like Paul as he said he must complete the race set before and to finish strong should be our goal - our lives belong to Christ now -let work for the Lord! Let your works show your faith is alive and well today and you will bring glory to God!

footnote: Apart from Christ we cannot do any good works at all!
because of CHRIST......we live and breathe good works!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Coming Thursday - the National Day Of Prayer- Livin In Prayer will run Thursday this week so we can add to the prayers of this great day - send in your praise or prayer request today!
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 4/28/08 -
Whatever we do - lets do it unto the Lord!


the daily blueprint for friday 4-25-08

James Chapter 2 part 10

James 2:19
You believe that there is one God; you do well; the devils also believe, and tremble....

Today's verse is one of the most famous from the book of James- in this passage - James says its good that we believe in God - but also cautions that even the devils and evil ones know God is real - they are rebellious against God so they have to believe in Him to be rebellious to Him - you have heard it said there are no atheists in foxholes -but the truth of the matter there is - there are many who don't believe in God at all -they seem to think we are some kind of cosmic accident - with no purpose and no designer - we who have been saved and sanctified by the blood of JESUS know there is a God and we trust HIS SON with our salvation - HE came from Heaven to Earth to save that which was lost - its not enough to just believe with your head -its got to get into your heart - its good to believe in God - but that does not save us - its the blood from Jesus that accomplishes that - we cannot have it any other way - many do good deeds in hope that it will outweigh the bad they have done - while its good to good things - its not the end all -there must be a reason for the hope we have - there must be a reason why those who follow Christ are willing to lay down their lives instead of denying Him - Its good that we believe in God - but without the shed blood of JESUS - we are the most hopeless of all - what do you believe?

footnote: the enemy knows there is a God -that's why he hates HIM!

because of CHRIST......we are saved and set free forever!

- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 4/25/08 -


the daily blueprint for tuesday 4-23-08

James Chapter 2 part 9

James 2:18
Yea, a man may say, you have faith, and I have works: show me your faith without works, and I will show you my faith by my works.

James ends his talk about helping others by serving out our faith out loud for the world to see. Many say they have faith and yet do nothing to show of it - they don't live a life that brings glory to God and yet they may say they have faith - many have no idea what it means to have faith in Jesus Christ -its not about good works -its not about earning your way -its about serving others in Jesus Name! He saved us not to sit on the sidelines - He saved us to get involved in the lives of others -this goes against the grain of how many of us where raised and it flies in the face of those who say that living a good life is the key to salvation - its the other way around -without salvation you cannot live a good life that is pleasing to God - during our prayer meeting last night -someone prayed for someone going through a hard time with someone doing some awful things to them - the lady who prayed for them said that this person was not going against them but against God! This is so very true - how can we get past the words of Jesus when HE said when you help the least of these you help Him!? How can we say we believe in Christ and yet do nothing to produce fruit - I know I have gotten too lazy for my own good - for my service to God - its not about earning our way - but praising the Lord with our lives - so that others will see the truth in our lives - that we get to a point where our words and actions met! This steps on my toes often - I sometimes fail to do the right thing simply because I am too fearful or not trusting enough in the power of Almighty God - we are all in this together - James declares that faith without works is dead - or like Rich Mullins sung -its about a useless as a screen door on a submarine. Lets show the world our faith by the good works we do in the name of JESUS - again its not to earn God's favor -that was done long ago on the cross - its to serve God boldly and love Him because HE first loved us!

footnote: Words don't do much without action behind them.

because of CHRIST......we serve others in HIS name!

- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 4/23/08 -


the daily blueprint for tuesday 4-22-08

James Chapter 2 part 8

James 2:15-17
If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, and one of you say unto them, depart in peace, be warmed and filled; notwithstanding you give them not those things which are needed for the body; what does it profit? Even so faith, if it has not works it is dead, being alone...

In Today's verses - James contiunes on the thought about the works of our faith - his example is when seeing those in need - simply saying hello or be blessed is not enough -its without profit - how many times have we missed oppurunties to minister in the name of Jesus to those we met each day - there are real people with real needs - you can see them each and every day - often we don't do anything because of fear or just the fact we don't know what to do - or what to believe about those in need- as gas prices climb and job layoffs become more and more common - there will be even more people in need - how many times have we just passed them by for reasons like being too busy and even not seeing the need or even wanting to help at all -we live in a sin-sick world and its hard to trust -its hard to put yourself out - but our life is not our own - it belongs now to Christ -for He paid for us! Amen!
One reason I am involved with Compassion is that this ministy feeds those without food - and without Christ - it clothes the naked and feeds the hungry and also brings to light Christ to them! We have a mission field around us each day - James says faith without works is dead - being alone - if we simply talk the talk and don't walk the walk -we will lose our witness to the lost around us - people are in need around us - do we even notice them or are we so focused on our needs - the needs of others just fall through the cracks!? Lets serve others in the Name of Christ - that way our faith has power behind the words we speak!
because of CHRIST......our faith is alive and well!

- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 4/22/08 -


the daily blueprint for monday 4-21-08

James Chapter 2 part 7

James 2:14
What does it profit, my brethren, though a man say he has faith, and have not works? Can that faith save him?

God placed a vision on my heart about 2 years ago - I felt lead to help others one Saturday a month - I did this a couple of weeks but it did not keep on - its been 2 years but now God is finally bringing it to pass - I am learning how to focus on others - many times we just want to sit back and enjoy the grace God has given us - and say we have faith -and if we do that's good - but what's better then that? When we actually reach out to others in the name of Christ - I have to admit I could do so much more - but our works DO NOT SAVE US right!?
They don't save us at all -only the blood of JESUS does - but faith without works is dead faith - its not of much worth - and when we stay to ourselves we miss out on helping those in need- God has a plan and a place for each of us - He wants you to work right were you are sometimes -other times He will cause you to move great distances - but what matters is that we demonstrate our faith day to day - there are so many needs around us - I have to admit ive spent a great deal of time worrying about myself and my needs while missing out on the blessing that comes from helping others - lets not sit on our pews while the world around us in need -sometimes the rules need to be broken so we can serve Christ completely -there is too much division among us - it should not be so - we all need to work together - in the name of Christ -no matter what our church is called - we are Christ follows first and then church members - sometimes we spend too much time in the four walls of the church -we must as God put on my heart years ago -Preach to the Streets -God wants to use you today - why not check out way to help others -not to earn grace ( you cannot do that anyway!) But because CHRIST Loved us first -out of worship to our Savior and King!
Lets have faith that is alive - not dead!

footnote: Real faith is faith in action....
because of CHRIST......we serve others!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Pray for Earl's Mom - she has been having some problems lately. thank you.
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 4/21/08 -


the daily blueprint for thursday 4-12-08

James Chapter 2 part 6

James 2:10
For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point is guilty of all...

The stance God takes toward sin is much different then ours is - we feel if we just tell a while lie we are ok - but God calls us a sinner if we do just that - and James says we become guilty of the whole law - we want to get by with as much as we can so long as its not really sin we are ok right? This is not how God views it - He sees all sin the same -all of it is destructive to His children - He is not some killjoy with a list of rules and regulations to end our pleasure - but He does put His law in our hearts and has a line that He does not want us to cross for our own good - God loves us and made us in His image and wants us to have sweet fellowship with Him - without Christ this cannot happen because of sin - but Christ came and laid down His life for us - for our sins - He took our sins and died for them - we now can enjoy fellowship with God - but in that - we will no longer want to disobey Him -we will want to please Him - He has the law but we are now under grace but this does not mean do what you want and then ask for forgiveness -this cheapens His grace -He wants our lives to reflect HIS glory but if we are living a life full of sin -that cannot happen - yes we can be forgiven of all the sins we have committed and will ever commit - by way live a life displeasing to God -the God who came as Jesus to die for our sins!?
Lets let HIS SPIRIT rule us always - HE knows always what is best-
No sin you commit is unforgivable - save for blasphemy of the Holy Spirit which is unbelief! Seek God - ask for forgiveness and live for HIM always! Praise HIS Name!

footnote: When CHRIST comes in -sin should go out!
because of CHRIST......our sins are forgiven - AMEN!
LIVIN IN THE WORD - 4/12/08 -


the daily blueprint for thursday 4-10-08

James Chapter 2 part 4

James 2:6-7
...But you have despised the poor. Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats? Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by which you are called?

Motives - Focus - Purpose
all these worlds add up to our what our life is all about - many times we error in the judgments we make - often we think its the rich that can do good things for us - and we don't look to those who are poor to help us at all - I go back to my sponsored Child Ruben - he is poor and yet is rich in wisdom and love - and yet here we are with too much stuff - yes we all have too much - and we have others with not enough -there is something wrong with this picture - and yet we will spend a hard earned money on entertainment and wanting to met the famous - the stars that society has made - the world lifts up those who have riches and fame but ignores the needed -these things should not be so - our hearts need to be more focused on serving Christ not on worldly things - again we must live in the world but we don't and should not be of the world- there is a line and its sometimes hard to see - God is telling us that its not the rich we need to focus on but the poor - as much as we think they need us -in reality we need them -we can learn much from them - they know what its like to be hungry and how to do without - many of us have never been hungry in such a way before - the United States is blessed and its inhabitants are some of the richest in the world- and I am talking about you - and me - we all are in the upper 9% of the worlds wealth - compared to the world - we have too much and the rest of the world is in serious need -now there are those right in our back yards that don't have anything - they need our help - we are not to be living for ourselves but for Jesus who bought us at a great price!
To be greatest of all -you must be a servant to all!

footnote: Whatever you do -do it for God's glory! Not your own!
because of CHRIST......we praise!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Also pray for Angus and Samantha as they minister in Haiti the next two weeks. thanks-
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 4/10/08 -


the daily blueprint for wednesday 4-9-08

James Chapter 2 part 3

James 2:5
Listen, my beloved brethren, Has not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which He has promised to them that love Him?

Today I begin with a simple question with not such a simple answer -What are you living for? For some this question will be easy to answer - for others the answer is there but its not really worth saying - I believe that God is saying this to me right now -that we have lost our focus and are living for other things then for God and His glory - some believe we are here to get comfortable - we feel we put in 8 hours in the office and come home without doing anything all that bad - we may watch a little tv - but who isn't? We may not spend all our money on ourselves but has our focus changed - when we begin our relationship with Christ many of us are fired up and go out to save the world for Jesus but then slowly but surely we go back to "Normal" whatever that is - God has been convicting me that my focus is not as sharp as it needs to be -
We must be willing to do whatever God calls us to do -and its not going to be easy- if you want an easy life -then don't follow Christ- being His disciple is not for the weak of heart -its for those willing to risk it all for Christ and His glory - I want to be in that place - but I am not there yet- where is the focus of our lives? If its anything but living for Christ -our priorities are way off... James talks about those poor in the world but rich in faith - I have a personal story to share - a child that I sponcer named Ruben has been praying for me and my wife and the struggles we are facing - Ruben's simple faith in God caused me to cry out in praise to God! Ruben said that God never leaves His children - what faith - and this is a 9 year old little boy -just think that he has it figured out and us older folks are still trying too - we need to return to child-like faith if we are ever to follow our Savior all the way home! He has great plans for us -just trust in Him - He is the father of the fatherless-
HE is faithful - He looks at our hearts - not our earthly riches-
where is your focus? Keep your eyes on JESUS!

footnote: The only life worth living is for JESUS CHRIST!
because of CHRIST......we have a clear view of who God is!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Pray for my cat Johnnie - he has been having seizures and they are getting worse -thanks!
I PRAISE THE LORD - yesterday the vet told me he had no seizures and is on some meds-
thanks for your prayers!
Also pray for Angus and Samantha as they minister in Haiti the next two weeks. thanks-
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 4/9/08 -
Follow God or Follow the World-
we can only go in one direction!


the daily blueprint for tuesday 4-8-08

James Chapter 2 part 2

James 2:2-4
For if there comes a man into your assembly with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man in vile garment; and you have respect to him that wares the goodly clothing, and say to him, Sit here in a good place; and then say to the poor, you stand there, or sit here under my footstool: Are you not then patial in yourselves, and have become judges of evil thoughts?

As human beings in an imperfect world -we do end up treating people differntly- just try this sometime -if you see someone who is famous - what do you do? If you a normal person- you treat them differntley - or if you see a poor begger on the street- you will do whatever you can to avoid them - this is harsh reality - and its not pretty -but its so true of our fallen human nature- in another place we treat our bosses differnt then we do our fellow co-workers - this is life in the corperate world - its a good place to be of the world and not in the world - Its sad but we do make judgments of those around us simply by the way they look - God says this should not be so - and it has no place in the church -it is sure to divide us and allow satan to get a foothold on us - lets love like Jesus loves and show no partiality -afterall God made everyone!
footnote: Is there anyone that does not belong to God? He made every man and every woman - they all count to Him!
because of CHRIST......we learn to love the different!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Pray for my cat Johnnie - he has been having serizers and they are getting worse -thanks!
Also pray for Angus and Samantha as they minister in Haiti the next two weeks. thanks-
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 4/8/08 -


the daily blueprint for tuesday 4-7-08

James Chapter 2 part 1

James 2:1
My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons.

Right off the bat James tackles a big issue even in today's church- the problem when you have people gather together is the presence of clicks or groups of people who only hang out with those of their group- without including anyone else in their little group -much of the time this happens without any intent for it to happen - but people seem to only want to deal with certain people - James says our faith should not be in respect of persons - another words - our focus must remain on Christ and His saving work - and that fact that God can and does save anyone He wants too - no one is too far from the cross to be saved - we may give up on people but God never will -we need to remember the greatest commandment is to love God and others - this must remain in this order- anything else will cause major problems- we must keep the main thing the main thing -often we get distracted by our friends - and try to impress them and often compromising our faith -we must keep our focus on God and not ourselves - many times we turn in and look inside us - and try to gain approval with those around us- sadly we try to do the same thing with our relationship with Christ -we need to live out of the fact that HE is our Lord and He calls us out of the world to join His ranks - lets live like James says today and always - God loves all and made all - We all belong to His Creation - no one is better then anyone else- amen!
footnote: We all are the same in God's eyes!
because of CHRIST......we all can share in His kingdom if we surrender to Him!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Pray for my cat Johnnie - he has been having serizers and they are getting worse -thanks!
Also pray for Angus and Samantha as they minister in Haiti the next two weeks. thanks-
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 4/7/08 -


the daily blueprint for tuesday 4-2-08

Daniel 2:20-21
And Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are His: And He changes the times and the seasons: He removes kings, and sets up kings: He gives wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding!

Wisdom is something that is not gained overnight -but over a life time - we all learn at various rates - in some areas people excel while in others they do not - God says that to gain wisdom you must be wise - interesting statement - considering the fact that even if we are wise -all of us have done very dumb things- even the brightest of the brightest has off days, the point however is that God has both wisdom and might -together they are a powerful combination- one issue we all have in common is trials - they come in various shapes and sizes - and its not so much what we go through as how we go through it -if we lean on God's wisdom and might instead of our weak flesh -then we will end up pleasing Him and showing others just who HE is to us - the wisdom that comes from God is at first pure - and it will always line up with what HE has revealed to us in HIS word - if it goes against what is written -then be careful - it is not from God at all -the enemy of our souls wants to take us down -he does not want us to have godly wisdom - because once we do - he loses ground - lets remember the God we serve is full of wisdom and might - He is our strong tower - our ever present help in times of trouble and He holds us in His mighty arms of love-
Do you have wisdom that comes from God? Or are you relying on what your finite human mind can understand? His ways are not our ways!

footnote: If we seek to be wise - we must trust in God!
because of CHRIST......we get real life changing wisdom!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 4/2/08 -



ISAIAH 58:10-11
...and if you spend yourselves on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will raise in the darkness, and your night will become like noonday. The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail...

Once our lives are given over to God and we surrender to His will- things begin to change -or at least they should begin to change -there are however many who never mature at all -they stay in a rout and they cannot seem to get out - these day's the focus is on self -that is what the world lifts up - the world says its all about us- its about our needs and if what you currently have does not satisfy you - go out and get another- this is one reason so many marriages fail - this is one reason many so many seem to fall out of their faith - it just did not work for them or so they thought -they have been blinded by the enemy of our souls - with that said - when we mature in Christ the focus must change or we cannot and will not grow - we must begin to look outside the four walls of our lives- we should begin to see the needs of others around us -and begin to realize this life is not about us but about HIM! Jesus give us the example -when HE laid down His life for us- He died not for any sin He committed - no way - He never sinned -He did it for us - He was not focused on His needs but on the needs of others - As Christ begins to clean out our lives -He puts HIS Spirit in us and this changes everything - now we can quench the Spirit by ignoring Him and He has given us a free will to do just that -but if you would just listen to His still small voice -your focus will begin to change- there is a whole world of hurting people around us - many need just a smile or word of encouragement - sure God could fix it without any effort -but He has chosen instead to use HIS people - many times we are lazy and don't want to do the work that this involves to help others - but when we listen we give hope to the hopeless -we put Love in a place where hate was - we put light in the darkness and we end up pleasing God!
Let's be willing to go -when and where GOD calls us to!

- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 4/1/08 -
Because we know CHRIST those we see in need are our business!

CARRIED AWAY - 3-31-08

LUKE 24:51
And it came to pass, while He blessed them, He was parted from them, and carried up into heaven...

Today's verse is the very end of Jesus' earthly ministry - He was taken to heaven - HE did not die but was carried up to heaven - He was going back to where HE had come from -His mission was complete - it was all done - He blessed them and then in a flash He was gone - the same thing will happen to each of us one day -we will be taken up into the sky and finally be home - just the thought of going home makes me excited - but at the same time I fear the unknown of it all -that's human to fear what we don't know - but however we end up home is the best way - God has our last day planned out already - but He has not shared that info with any of us - some may claim to know when they will die - but that's not from God at all - we can all guess at it - but God knew it best not to tell us when our last breath will be - We will all go some place -the question is -where is your final destination!? Were are your reservations made? The truth is only JESUS can bring us to God- both forgiving us of our sins and making a way for us to access to the Kingdom -the facts are the longer we live - the more people we know will be going home -its hard to deal with - but its reality - God has a plan that is much better then ours - HE knows when its time for us to come home - in the meantime we must live each day -each moment as if it was our last -what would you do if you knew you had 1 day to live -I bet all of us would do things differently - I know I would - but lets not worry about when we are going to go home and live for JESUS know -
Lets allow HIM to carry us away and not get carried away by this world!
footnote: If I could save time in a bottle - id spend every moment with you! (This is from a 1970's song but I forget who wrote it!)
because of CHRIST......our lives will never really end!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Please pray for the family of Eva S.
this is my brother-in-law's Mother -
she went home to be with Jesus early Sunday morning-
thanks for your prayerful support- Daniel

- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 3/31/08 -
Each day is one day closer to our homecoming.