

The Daily Blueprint 9-5-07


And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destory the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, says the Lord of hosts!

Today's verse talks about the protective hand of God - many do not realize that God and God alone is all that protects us - God puts His hand over our lives and sometimes must remove His hand - so we can get but a glimpse of what it would be like without His protection- the thing about this protection is even those who deny God are protected by the God they don't even believe in - calamity will come to all us sometime in our lives- sooner or later all of us will face a crisis in our lives- it may be a health issue -money shortage- it could be our loss of independence or it may be a natural disaster that we happen to be in - but the truth be known - you are not there by accident- God has allowed whatever will be fall us - He is in total and complete control of it all - if He were to let go for even one millisecond - all that is will be gone in an instant - God is that strong and powerful -and when He says He will protect you - He will - but all of us will leave this place one day - whether that's 100 years from now or 1 year - it does not matter -God is in control and as sad it as it sounds - He must remove His protective hand from us -just like we must with our earthly children - we know what's best for them - and sometimes they go outside our boundaries and sometimes we must let them do it - even though we know they will get hurt -we must teach them - God does the same with us - He will not let anything happen to us without being in full control of it! If you get some time - read the book of Job -this book goes into this very thing - also I want to recommend a book called Let God be God - I will have more info on this book - lets remember that nothing is out side God's control! We are protected by HIS mighty hands! Praise GOD!

a side note: What you are going through is ordained by God's hand!

With CHRIST we are protected from the enemy!
Pray for Missy -she is still living with so much pain -she is going to have a nerve blocking injection tomorrow . thanks for your prayers! Daniel
Pray for my Mom2- she is doing so much better and now is walking a little with a walker - she should be coming back to her house in about 2 weeks -pray for her as she will then need a hip replacement! Thanks! Daniel
C O M P A S S I O N 'S D A I L Y P R A Y E R R E Q U E S T
Wednesday 5 Pray for the family of 9-year-old Julia Gracibel Trujillo in Honduras as they recover from a fire that destroyed their home. No one was injured and Compassion is providing their basic needs.
If you would like more info on Compassion's Child Sponsorship - please visit
Thanks! Please consider sponsoring a child! You will not regret it! Thank you!
Samaritan's Purse Weekly Prayer Requests
This week please pray for INDONESIA
(1) Pray for the people of Nias -that they will experience the love of JESUS as Samaritan's Purse(Sp) work on the island! (2) Pray that God will provide more oppurtunites to work in this nation as SP completes a bridge that was torn down in an earthquake and tsunami

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