

The Daily Blueprint 9-24-07


ROMANS 4:7-8
Blessed are those whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered! Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin!

As we travel down this road of remembrance for what the Lord Jesus has done for us His people - we get to see why we are so blessed! Our sins are forgiven! Our scarlet sins that kept us out of the Lord's presence has been forgiven! Cast as far as the East is from the West- and cast deeper then even the deepest ocean on earth! Our sins are gone - this is not to say that we should sin - but that we should rejoice in what Christ has done for us! He gave us our life back- we once we dead in our sins - once our sins held us down - there was a time in our lives that we were heading down the road to hell - now I know many of you understand this and know Jesus and are on your way to heaven - but what about those of you who don't know Jesus? Your sins are not forgiven - and you will have to pay the price for them - but the trouble is you cannot pay the price- only the blood of JESUS can cover your sins - not your good deeds - not the money you give to the church -not by how well you know the Word of God - no its only by the blood of JESUS - that's it - that's the only way - some call this narrowed minded - if that's true -so be it! Its the truth - My wife had a friend over the other day who has never been to our house before -she asked my wife who was the Holly Roller in this house -she said me and her where - needless to say this friend does not know Jesus - and until they do -nothing we say can matter much - but what we do will matter so much more - we must love those who don't know Jesus because God loves them and He wants them to come to know Him just like we have - many times we forget just how far Jesus had to reach down and scoop us up! Sometimes we forget there was a time when we did not know Jesus!
Lets love those who deny Christ- not to support they denial but to show them the love of Jesus - if His love and His blood has not changed you - maybe you need to go back again and give your life to Him! I had to come to this realization the other day when I discovered that I was trying to carry what Jesus already took! Today be honest with the Lord - and yourself - Seek HIM and know that if you are not saved -HE can and will save you - just put your trust in HIM -remember what HE did to open heaven's gates for you! HE is good and faithful! He loves you and wants you to be His child today - give JESUS a try - He will never fail you!

a side note: Nothing but the blood of JESUS can save you!
Remember CHRIST , His death took your sins away!
Praise the LORD -the Livin In The Word blog site is back up and working!
C O M P A S S I O N 'S D A I L Y P R A Y E R R E Q U E S T
Monday 24Eight-year-old Irakoze Annick in Rwanda suffered third-degree burns on her chest, abdomen, arms and legs. She will have cosmetic surgery and needs prayer for healing.
If you would like more info on Compassion's Child Sponsorship - please visit
Thanks! Please consider sponsoring a child! You will not regret it! Thank you!
Samartian's Purse Weekly Prayer Requests:
This week's request: Pray for Kentucky!
That more children would have life changing experances through the Quality Kids curriculum this school year - For area churches to effectively proclaim the Gospel through the Celebration!
Pray for Quality Kids praticipants to be witnesses for CHRIST among their peers!

QUALITY KIDS is a program that teaches character education to children in improvished Eastern Kentucky

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