


The Daily Blueprint 9-25-07


And you being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has quickened together with Him, having forgiven all your trespasses; blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took them out of the way. Nailing it to His cross!

God stance on sin is strong - some people only see the fact that God is love and therefore must let everyone into His everlasting Kingdom. Some feel its only fair that God let everyone in - after all -He made us and we belong to Him so He will let us in - some feel they have made some deal with God and He will therefore forgive their sins -but only on their terms - God is holy and He is a God of judgment- He is the only one authorized to judge the sins of man - only He has the finally authority on the requirements to gain access to His kingdom - God has made a provision for us through His Son - Jesus Christ - Jesus came in perfect submission to God the Father and became a man - a man that was born as a bade in a manger -who lived a perfect life - never sinning not even once and then becoming sin He never once committed- nailing it to the cross and taking our sins away - Jesus died to bring us true perfect and eternal life -Jesus is the only way in - we cannot go around the plan God has put in motion -we must do it on His terms - only He has made such a provision to forgive our sins - our pastors no matter how godly or Christ centered they are - cannot save us! Our good deeds cannot save us - nothing but the blood of Jesus can save us - some wonder why God cannot just dismiss sin in our lives and look the other way? Some call God cruel - its much like those workers in the field that Jesus told about - some where hired really early that morning and agreed the payment - others were hired in midmorning -and then some in the late afternoon -when the day was done -they went to collect their wages - but those who worked all day were paid the same as those who worked just an hour - they cried foul -this is not fair - but the owner of the land said - you agreed with the payment -its not your business what these others made- It was fair - God is good and He has blotted our sins out - taken them away and nailed them to the cross! Amen!

a side note: Our sins must be placed on JESUS - or else we have to pay the price that we cannot afford to pay.
Remember CHRIST , He has eraced your sins!
Happy Birthday to my Brother-in-law Donnie & Uncle John!
Tomorrow there will be a special edition for See you at the pole!
C O M P A S S I O N 'S D A I L Y P R A Y E R R E Q U E S T
Tuesday 25Pray for Norma Perez Zepeda, a student center director in Guatemala, who was diagnosed with a herniated disc. Surgery is not an option due to its location. She is in much pain and needs relief as she oversees the student center and the children.
If you would like more info on Compassion's Child Sponsorship - please visit
Thanks! Please consider sponsoring a child! You will not regret it! Thank you!
Samartian's Purse Weekly Prayer Requests:
This week's request: Pray for Kentucky!
That more children would have life changing experances through the Quality Kids curriculum this school year - For area churches to effectively proclaim the Gospel through the Celebration!
Pray for Quality Kids praticipants to be witnesses for CHRIST among their peers!

QUALITY KIDS is a program that teaches character education to children in improvished Eastern Kentucky

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