

The Daily Blueprint 9-4-07


Bring you all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in My house, and prove Me now herewith, says the LORD of hosts. If I will not open to you the widows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be enough room to receive it!

The past two devotionals dealt with those who try to rob God -but today we get to deal with those who give to God! When we give what we have to the GOD who owns it all - He will pour out a blessing on us that we cannot contain - now many take this and run with it and make it seem that it must be a finical blessing - but its not always the case - many times its a blessing that cannot be measured in human terms -its a blessing at times we may not see as a blessing -many times we feel we know what is best and we want that - what God gives us is always better- we must trust the Lord when we give to HIM but this should not be our motivation to get something in return -we must give out of worship and if God so choices HE can bless us - but the blessing to come should not be what makes us give -its not about us - the health and blessing gospel to some preach is not the truth - God can bless us but HE does not have to bless us! Its up to HIM - our obedience should not depend on HIS blessings! Its not about what we get -its about what we give and why - many give to get -but we must be different -we must be willing to give and get nothing in return - I heard a song that said - you cannot buy your way to heaven and this is true -we don't gain salvation by the amount of money we give- God wants our hearts not our money -but He asks us to give out of a heart of worship!
God said He would open the windows of heaven pour out such a blessing that we simply cannot contain it - that's awesome!Lets give to GOD out of worship! He said to test HIM on this - do you believe HIM enough to give?

a side note: The world says get what you can- God says give what you can!

With CHRIST blessings flow into our lives!
Pray for Missy -she is still living with so much pain -she is going to have a nerve blocking injection on Thursday . thanks for your prayers! Daniel
Pray for my Mom2- she is doing so much better and now is walking a little with a walker - she should be coming back to her house in about 2 weeks -pray for her as she will then need a hip replacement! Thanks! Daniel
C O M P A S S I O N 'S D A I L Y P R A Y E R R E Q U E S T
Tuesday 4 Pray for 14-year-old Luis Antonio Mayen Moro in Guatemala to recover well from cancer surgery.
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Samaritan's Purse Weekly Prayer Requests
This week please pray for INDONESIA
(1) Pray for the people of Nias -that they will experience the love of JESUS as Samaritan's Purse(Sp) work on the island! (2) Pray that God will provide more oppurtunites to work in this nation as SP completes a bridge that was torn down in an earthquake and tsunami

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