

The Daily Blueprint 9-17-07


...And they shall be Mine, says the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spears his own son that serves him.

The truth of these words is awesome! What God has said through Malachi right here is the gospel - God spares us just like a man would spear his very own son - but in a twist God gave us HIS only Son so that we could be spared hell's flames -God allowed Jesus to pay the price we should have paid - to Him we are all His precious children -and in a way we are His jewels - He said that we would shine like the stars! He came to this world that His very hands created with the sole propose of saving the entire human race from sin- God loves us and provided the proof on Calvery's tree! We are His children now and we can bolding come before His throne in praise with requests and He will answer us - Jesus not only saved us from the power of sin - but also put us in a position to hear from God and for Him to hear from us! This two way line of communication is our life line- we should spend time each day with God in prayer and praise - that is why Livin in Prayer is so important to this ministry -we must be people of prayer - if we know JESUS then prayer should be natural - it should be what we do each moment of every day - we must live lives of prayer - and live our life in the word of God -its important - we must be willing to grow toward the Son in all that we do - its not us doing it - but Christ in us that does this and brings it to pass!
We are the jewels of God - precious in His sight - He does not want anyone lost - lets be bring shining examples of Christ's love to those around us - lets be HIS hands and feet - Let God use you today!

a side note: God love us - and that is all we need!

With CHRIST we become the Jewels of God!
Karen R who we have been praying for was at church yesterday - she is a walking -breathing - talking miracle- thanks for your prayers- as of 9-11 she is 100% cancer free! We praise the LORD!!!!
Kalena (A.K.A. Rebecca) has been having a lot of problems with stomach pain since Feb. She is having her gallbladder out on Friday (9/21). Should be same-day surgery. I pray this will take care of the pain she's been having; prayer for the Dr., nurses, and anesthesiologists involved in her care
Pray for Ken - this is the husband of Missy's co-worker Tracy - he is to have a stint put in his heart - he had a mild heart-attack last week- pray for a successful surgery . thanks!
C O M P A S S I O N 'S D A I L Y P R A Y E R R E Q U E S T
Monday 17 Pray for 11-year-old Rudy Yguaro Surichaqui in Peru to recover well from gastritis, a liver infection and problems with his teeth.
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Thanks! Please consider sponsoring a child! You will not regret it! Thank you!
Samartian's Purse Weekly Prayer Requests:
This week's request:
Pray for Ecuador
For the people of Choglontuz as they rebuild their homes and their lives
That the victims of the Tungurah (volcano) eruption will see God's love through our work.
For Samaritan's Purse projects in South America.

THANKS FOR YOUR PRAYERS FOR the nation of Ecuador.

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