



...and all nations shall call you blessed: for you shall be a
delightsome land, says the Lord of hosts.

God loves to be bless His children -but His blessings should not be the reason we give our lives to HIM - it must be out of pure worship and love -God sent JESUS to take our rightful place on the cross -we all deserved that death but were all spared by Jesus! The blessings God gives us is not because we have earned them but because we know that our dependence on God is sure and true - and the blessings we may get are not just for us to horde -but for us to share with others- when God does something wonderful in our lives -we need to share it with others- you see we all need a lift me up sometimes -this faith walk we go through can be very hard - we need support and love -and we need to share what God is doing in our lives- right now in my life I am going through a valley - and its been quite some time - part of it is my wife and all her physical suffering - its effecting our lives in a bad way at times -but if we allow HIM too - God will use what we think as bad and make it a blessing- but we must wait on the LORD and that is not easy - especially for hands on people like me! I always want to fix what's broken and sometimes God wants it to be that way and I end up fighting HIM - sometimes blessings are not what would imagine - but in the end God will use everything in our lives to bring about HIS plan and if we follow HIM we will be blessed! We can follow the ways of this world and miss out on the blessing God has for us - again its not that we deserve any blessing but its because God wants to do something amazing with your life and my life! Others will see the blessings in our lives and wonder where it came from -we can then boldly proclaim that its God who has done it! What an awesome witness we can be then!

a side note: Blessings come from God - He loves to bless HIS children -but we should never believe or thbink HE has to bless us - its always up to HIM!

With CHRIST blessings come!
Pray for Missy -she is still living with so much pain -she is going to have a nerve blocking injection today . thanks for your prayers! Daniel
Pray for my Mom2- she is doing so much better and now is walking a little with a walker - she should be coming back to her house in about 2 weeks -pray for her as she will then need a hip replacement! Thanks! Daniel
C O M P A S S I O N 'S D A I L Y P R A Y E R R E Q U E S T
Thursday 6 Pray for 12-year-old Juan Pedro Illapa in Ecuador as he battles leukemia.
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Thanks! Please consider sponsoring a child! You will not regret it! Thank you!
Samaritan's Purse Weekly Prayer Requests
This week please pray for INDONESIA
(1) Pray for the people of Nias -that they will experience the love of JESUS as Samaritan's Purse(Sp) work on the island! (2) Pray that God will provide more oppurtunites to work in this nation as SP completes a bridge that was torn down in an earthquake and tsunami

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