The Daily Blueprint 7-31-07
...But before faith came, we were keep under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed!
As we reach the end of another month -I must say its been a hard one -from the contiuned back trouble of my wife to my step Mom being in very serious condition -ive seen two people that I love suffer a lot -and its hard to bear - but along with these two who have suffered so much -those around them have suffered- we are all connected is what I am learning and as the Body of Christ- what happens to a part of the body happens to the whole thing! As we move closer and closer to our day of departure -we should take a step closer to our LORD each and every day - but before we know CHRIST -we where chained to the law- and none of us could met it's standards- we needed a Savior and JESUS CHRIST fit the bill - before Christ we were lost sinners on our way to eternal separation from God our Father. But now that CHRIST has come and HE has redeemed us by HIS blood -we are no longer locked up the Law but are freed through the blood of JESUS - which by the way met all that GOD required- many want to add other things to the simple gospel - like you must be in church every time the doors are open - now I am not saying we should not go - but don't go thinking it will earn you a place in Heaven -we all must come the same way -through the LORD JESUS!
We once were lost -but now we have been found - JESUS took our place and HIS blood was all that was needed to save us! Rejoice that we are not what we once were -we are now sinners-saved! Praise the LORD for this inexpressible gift!
Its free for us but cost JESUS HIS life! Lets never forget what it took to save us!One drop of HIS blood is more then enough! Amen!
Your brother in Christ
A side note: When CHRIST came and saved us -we were never the same again -and though we can live like we are not saved- what JESUS says is all that matters- some think we become perfect and can never sin again once we know CHRIST -but the truth is we still live in sinful bodies- and we have the flesh to contend with - the walk is not easy but its worth it! In the end we are HIS and HIS alone! Lets rejoice in our salvation that JESUS paid for!
Through CHRIST we are no longer what we once were!
*Contiune to pray for Sande -ive not heard any updates yesterday - but plan on calling this morning - she is to be in a private room soon -thanks for your prayers
*Pray for Sara G. - her congestive heart-failure is causing many problems- pray for her total and complete healing as well -thank you!
There has been some problems updating the Livin in the WORD blogsite - pray that its back on line soon - it may be my computer -ive got a newer one I need to get running-
thanks !
The best TV Guide is the BIBLE!
Mentone, Alabama
send in your's today!
C O M P A S S I O N 'S D A I L Y P R A Y E R R E Q U E S T
Tuesday 31 Pray for the child, Masresha, in Ethiopia as she struggles with a heart problem.
If you would like more info on Compassion's Child Sponsorship - please visit
Thanks! Please consider sponsoring a child! You will not regret it! Thank you!
BC* we were dead in our sins - AC* we were redeemed from our sins!
*BC(Before CHRIST) AC (After Christ)
...But before faith came, we were keep under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed!
As we reach the end of another month -I must say its been a hard one -from the contiuned back trouble of my wife to my step Mom being in very serious condition -ive seen two people that I love suffer a lot -and its hard to bear - but along with these two who have suffered so much -those around them have suffered- we are all connected is what I am learning and as the Body of Christ- what happens to a part of the body happens to the whole thing! As we move closer and closer to our day of departure -we should take a step closer to our LORD each and every day - but before we know CHRIST -we where chained to the law- and none of us could met it's standards- we needed a Savior and JESUS CHRIST fit the bill - before Christ we were lost sinners on our way to eternal separation from God our Father. But now that CHRIST has come and HE has redeemed us by HIS blood -we are no longer locked up the Law but are freed through the blood of JESUS - which by the way met all that GOD required- many want to add other things to the simple gospel - like you must be in church every time the doors are open - now I am not saying we should not go - but don't go thinking it will earn you a place in Heaven -we all must come the same way -through the LORD JESUS!
We once were lost -but now we have been found - JESUS took our place and HIS blood was all that was needed to save us! Rejoice that we are not what we once were -we are now sinners-saved! Praise the LORD for this inexpressible gift!
Its free for us but cost JESUS HIS life! Lets never forget what it took to save us!One drop of HIS blood is more then enough! Amen!
Your brother in Christ
A side note: When CHRIST came and saved us -we were never the same again -and though we can live like we are not saved- what JESUS says is all that matters- some think we become perfect and can never sin again once we know CHRIST -but the truth is we still live in sinful bodies- and we have the flesh to contend with - the walk is not easy but its worth it! In the end we are HIS and HIS alone! Lets rejoice in our salvation that JESUS paid for!
Through CHRIST we are no longer what we once were!
*Contiune to pray for Sande -ive not heard any updates yesterday - but plan on calling this morning - she is to be in a private room soon -thanks for your prayers
*Pray for Sara G. - her congestive heart-failure is causing many problems- pray for her total and complete healing as well -thank you!
There has been some problems updating the Livin in the WORD blogsite - pray that its back on line soon - it may be my computer -ive got a newer one I need to get running-
thanks !
The best TV Guide is the BIBLE!
Mentone, Alabama
send in your's today!
C O M P A S S I O N 'S D A I L Y P R A Y E R R E Q U E S T
Tuesday 31 Pray for the child, Masresha, in Ethiopia as she struggles with a heart problem.
If you would like more info on Compassion's Child Sponsorship - please visit
Thanks! Please consider sponsoring a child! You will not regret it! Thank you!
BC* we were dead in our sins - AC* we were redeemed from our sins!
*BC(Before CHRIST) AC (After Christ)
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