

The Other Brother

The Daily Blueprint 7-16-07


LUKE 27:25-28
25- and now his elder son was in the field: and as he came and drew near the house, he heard music and dancing - 26 - and he called one of his servants, and asked what these things meant - 27 - and they said to him - your brother has come. and your father has killed a fatted calf, because he has received him safe and sound - 28 -And he was angry, and would not go in; therefore his father came out and entreated him....

Today's devotional is very personal - for God was speaking to me the other day during some time outside with my dog -I find Him speaking to me a lot lately about some issues in my life - Ive been in sort of a valley for a little while - God is leading me through it - the other day I was just thinking about someone I know who does not even know the LORD but yet is doing the Lord's work - and God asked me how that made me feel? I had to admit my pride right then and there - pride is a scary thing - it can make you do things you would not ever dream of doing -our human nature can feel threated quickly - it seemed to me that this person had done more for the LORD then I had - and did not even know the LORD - this left me perplexed and God reminded me of the story of the Prodigal son and I said- oh I know that story - but God was wanting me to look at it from another angle - most times ive heard a sermon on this parable the focus is on the son who left and came back -but not much is said about the other brother - the other brother's reaction when the lost brother had come home was not good at all - he was jealous and thought that all the work He had been doing for HIS FATHER would be rewarded -after all he was the "Good" son - but the truth be know is that this was a time of celebration -the other brother missed out on it - strange - but the Father's response was not hatred or even anger - The Father simply told the other brother that everything HE had belong to him as well - but that because this other son was thought to be dead but now was back home alive -there was a time of celebration -it was not that the father loved the other son who came home more then the one who stayed behind or vise versa - the main point is we should do things for GOD not to gain anything - we cannot earn HIS favor -but we all must work for the LORD out of reverence and love -many times we expect something when we do something good but those who don't know the LORD don't really strive to gain anything -we could learn from that - I was in the crosshairs of God's word and it was a great place to be - lets make sure we are not like the Other Brother!

A side note: None of us have anything that was not given to us by God - God is no respecter of persons but loves us all the same - He loves you simply because HE created you! HE longs for us to enter into HIS life saving realtionship!

Through CHRIST we all have a homecoming!
Pray for my wife Missy as she has another injection today in her spine to help with her back problems -thank you! Daniel<><
Happy 6th Birthday to our "Adoped" daughter Linsay! She has adopted us! =-)
Please pray for Kevin - and his mom Sister Lynn - Kevin is having some major health problems and needs your prayers - he is also looking for a place to live- thanks for your prayers!
Happy travels to all! =-)
look for a new CHURCH SIGN here soon...Ive been looking for some new ones!
C O M P A S S I O N 'S D A I L Y P R A Y E R R E Q U E S T
Monday 16Eleven-year-old Habtamu Betre in Ethiopia was injured in a car accident and was delayed in starting school. Pray that he will quickly get caught up with his class.
If you would like more info on Compassion's Child Sponsorship - please visit
thanks! Please consider sponsoring a child! You will not regret it! Thank you!

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