The Sent
The Sent
Behold, I will send My messenger, and he shall prepare the way before Me: and the LORD whom you seek, shall suddenly come to His temple, even the message of the covenant, whom you delight in; behold he shall come, says the Lord of hosts!
Today's passage talks of the forerunner of JESUS CHRIST -
this was none other then John the Baptist - Many thought John was the messiah - so John had a mission to let everyone know that he was not the one to come to deliver us from sin - but John was sent to prepare a way for JESUS - John's role was crucial - without John - who would have told those seeking the Messiah who to look for - John said many times that he must decrease while Christ must increase - once we know JESUS we all have a calling on our lives - the question is will we answer the call and become the sent? John had a mission and he performed it well - but he was not perfect -later in his life John questioned if JESUS was really the one - but this was not the end of the story - John knew without a shadow of doubt that JESUS was in fact the LORD - the one who was prophesied from old - John knew this with all his heart - but like all of us - sometimes John got his eyes off Jesus and on his circumstances - there is a lesson for all of us in this - remember JESUS is the only master we will ever need - let's only serve Him and be among those sent by His Spirit to bring this lost world to His saving grace!
I am thankful I have been sent by JESUS, Daniel
BUILDING MOMENT: What is your mission in life?
Because we have CHRIST - we clearly know God's will!
4.27.09 - Building on the WORD
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