A Fools Says...
Psalm 14:1
A fool says in his heart, there is no God....
Back in the 70's one of my favorite songs was by Michael McDonald called "What a fool believes" I am admitting my age right here today - guess that's foolish of me? Any how - Today's verse really sums up what a fool believes - they simply believe there is no God - and by doing so they believe they excuse themselves and are allowed to do whatever they want -that there is no right no wrong -things just are - these people God is clear are fools - for a fool says in his heart there is no God - yesterday we took a look at Romans 2:20 - in which we found that people who don't know God are without excuse - many this very day are on their way to hell - so sad but true - many deny the Lordship of Christ - many figure they have some plan worked out with the man upstairs - only a fool would dismiss God and say that we are just some accident -that life is meaningless - one day all of us will have to stand before the judgment seat of Christ - on that day those who put their trust in Jesus for salvation will be brought together to the Kingdom to live forever with God above - but sadly those who deny Him will spend forever alone without His grace - this is a sobering fact - it's foolish to think that we need to only worry about ourselves -there is a lost and dying world around us - are we presenting the gospel with our lives - this is important - lives are at stake - we have the truth -let's live it - and tell other's about this hope that we have - anything less would be foolish!
It's all about CHRIST , Daniel<><
BUILDING MOMENT: Don't fool around with the grace of God -
accept it and then share it!
Because we have CHRIST - we have the only true hope!
4.1.09 - Building on the WORD
Don't Be A Fool, just trust JESUS!
Hi Daniel! I've enjoyed reading through a few of your posts this morning, found you through your Facebook link.
Blogger Allen Krell said...
Daniel, I enjoyed your blog, thanks for your words of encouragement.
A word of encouragement that God has used to really change my life. It has to do with sanctification, that process God uses to make us the person that He would have me to be. For years, I thought that was primarily through trying harder...trying harder to spend more time in prayer, trying harder to spend more time reading the Bible. I spend more and more of my life reading and studying the Bible. Then I saw something in John 13 concerning Jesus washing the disciples feet. I realized He was talking about sanctification. His direction was that the disciples should wash the dirt of this world off of each other, in effect that were to help each other become sanctified. I realized sanctification was not just about me focusing on Christ and on reading the Bible, but on being in a relationship with other Christians who sanctify me. God's grace flows through other Christians to me.
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