


Fly Away

PSALM 55:6
...And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove!
For then would I fly away, and be at rest!

Sometimes the troubles of this present life is too much for us to bear - and at times like that we just want to fly away - to be at peace - I have good news today - you can have peace and keep your feet on the ground - you can have peace no matter what happens in this life - peace is found in Jesus alone - the world will offer peace but it's not lasting - its temporal - and it always costs plenty - while sin is pleasurable for a season - there is always a steep payment - Jesus laid down His life to pay for it - that's what God thinks about sin - we are called to a life of obedience - it's not that we are earning our way to heaven - it's that we are honoring God but listening and obeying what He says - Jesus warned us we would have problems in this life - He told us that while the problems may seem to consume us - He has overcome the world - and since HE now lives in our hearts - we have peace - so really there is no need at all to fly away - keep your feet on the ground and look up - that's where our help comes from - Christ alone! Fly away? How about letting God soar in your hearts by faith! Amen!
got my feet on the ground - but ready to fly!, Daniel
BUILDING MOMENT: If we had wings we could fly away - but we have something better -we have God's Spirit - He lives in us - let that fly in your life!

Because we have CHRIST - we have peace!

4.28.09 - Building on the WORD

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