



Children obey your parents in all things:
for this is well pleasing to the LORD!

God is pleased when we are obedient - I will say right here that when we are not God still loves us - He still wants us - He knows how much we need His saving grace - we all fail - we all miss the mark - we are all in this together - may we never get to the point of thinking we have arrived - because the truth is all of us are learning to be more and more like Jesus - one place that in today's world is effected is child rearing - I know many kids around me that God has called me to help - and I see a common thread among most of them - a very bad and unhealthy family life - you have heard it said before it all starts at home - and this is the truth - now I know I don't have any kids of my own - but I do see and hear things some don't - I know the needs of the children in my care and through Christ they can be met - the Father is to be the head of the household -this is a very unpopular view in the world of today - God has a perfect plan and man seems to always come behind God and try to do it his own way - leaving out what God meant for good - the problem we face today is a generation of children who have grown up and now have children of their own - and they never learned what it meant to really obey their parents - I will say many of this children of yesterday turned out just right into adulthood - but when they didn't receive all the love and nurturing they need growing up - how can they give that to their own children - as a nation we need to pray for families everywhere - the family as we know it is being attacked from both outside and inside - Tv plays a big role if making the family life much different then it should be - Parents are told to teach their children how to be productive adults one day - and with that they are shown what respect is and why parents must be obeyed - God is well pleased by obedience - teach your children well -
let them know they are loved and in return they will show you want being obedient looks like - God has a plan - let's stick to it! Amen!
Wanting to be obedient each moment, Daniel<><

BUILDING MOMENT: Parents of obedient children are pleased -
but GOD is more pleased!

Because we have CHRIST - we can teach others the truth!

4.22.09 - Building on the WORD
How we raise our children says much about how we view God!

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