


Show The Light

LUKE 11:33
No man when he has lighted a candle, puts it in a secret place, neither under a bush, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light.

Once Jesus comes into our lives and begins to change us, His light should begin to show through our lives - but the way I see this is like the Earth and the Sun - the Earth has no light of it's own - it all comes from the sun - in the same way the moon - it can only reflect the light from the sun - our lives in the hands of JESUS should begin to refelect the Son! I had a saying a while ago that was this - Stay in the Son - I believe we all need to stay in the Son each day - His life should change our lives day by day - each day we should be drawing closer and closer to Jesus - and when we do - His light will reflect in our lives and the world around us will see it and it will lead them to JESUS! We are not to hide what God has done in our lives - sadly many of us do just that - we hide it for fear of what others might think about us - but at the end of the day - it's all about JESUS and HIS glory - all we do should reflect His glory - let His light shine in your life today for all the world to see - be a reflector for JESUS!
Shining in the Son, Daniel<><


BUILDING MOMENT: When the light is bright in our lives - it cannot be hidden!


Because we have CHRIST - we shine like the SON!

4.16.09 - Building on the WORD
Is your life reflecting God's glory to others? Why or why not?

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