

The Daily Blueprint / Wednesday / 7-9-08

Psalms & Proverbs - Day 4

Psalm 1:4
The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind drives away.

Today's Psalm selection shifts gears and now describes someone who is not following after God -someone who by actions or words denies that God even exists - this person will be lead astray by any and every doctrine that is not true that comes along - and thus are blow like leaves in the wind - no real direction - no real meaning - just drifting along - doing what only pleases themselves -without any though to the God of creation that made them and gave them life - I have to admit I do know people who just drift along with no purpose -no life that I can see - only in CHRIST do we have real life -we can chase after the things of the world if we want too - but the end is worthless - what does it profit to gain it all but lose your soul? Pray for those who don't know Christ and let your life minister to them! Don't get lost in the wind!

Proverbs 1:5
A wise man will hear and increase in learning; and a man of understanding shall attain to wise counsels...

What we hear is not as important as how we apply what we hear - if we spend all our time just listening but not acting upon what we have learned -we are just wasting our time - we must consult God's word to life the life He has called us to live - the Word and Prayer will bring us to a fuller understanding of just who God is. Another good use of God's Word is when you have a very important decision to make - you can consult His word and find the answer there as God reveals it through His Spirit - apart from that there is no real understanding - just like the Psalm for today - don't be moved in the wind but be moved instead by God's Divine Spirit! Listen - Learn and then apply!

footnote: With our roots deep into God - we won't be carried away by the wind of this world- but will be moved by the Holy Spirit.
CHRIST taught us who He is through HIS word!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
John R (of Ga) had successful surgery to remove cancer yesterday!
It's time once again for the traveling church signs-
send in yours today and happy travels!

Going the extra mile is never crowded
-Huntsville Alabama
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 7/9/08 -
Watch - Wait - Wonder - but learn through it all

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