

The Daily Blueprint / Wednesday / 7-16-08

Psalms & Proverbs - Day 8

Psalm 2:2
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against His anointed...

Today's verse is another reminder that we live in a world of sin and of evil - actually just looking at the news or on the web - its in our face daily - one problem we begin to face is our desensitize toward all that is going on around us on this planet - taken the wrong way it can cause us to doubt God - but when we fail to see this world for what it is - we cheapen the grace of God - to see what state this world is in today and know that there is a God in heaven who loves us is much differnt from the world's responce - they who don't know God still blame Him - how odd! - its only by God's living Spirit within us - its only by the Holy Spirit's revealing that we know Christ - we need to keep our eyes focused on God and not the problems and evils around us -they can consume us if we allow them to - the kings of this world - those who oppose and oppress the Gospel - are out for blood - they want to kill every bit of Jesus in us - but God won't allow that to happen - remember we are in a world full of sin and evil - we should not be surprised by what we read on the front page of the paper or on the web - lets love JESUS through it all and the reward will be ours through the shed blood of the Lamb!

Proverbs 1:9
For they shall be an ornament of grace around your head, and chains around your neck..

I love the visual of this verse - the instructions that we receive from our parents should be like a hat on our head and chains around our neck - to me it means that we need to live in such a way that there is a hat on our head and chains around our neck - they are there even when those around us cannot see them - but it should always remain with us -we should never get too old or too wise for advise - because without seeing it from another perspective -we won't see the whole picture but just a part - God created us from relationships - with Him and with others around us - He did not make us to live alone -
This verse reminds me of a song from The Small Town Poets - Garment of Grace - this is what Christ brought from us - trading our unrighteous rags for HIS righteous clothing - we are brand new once we put on His clothes! Lets ware the robe of Righteousness so that the world can see JESUS in us! Lets put that on and serve others in HIS name!

footnote: Today's Psalm tells us of those who are enemies to the Cross of Christ -Proverbs tells us to listen to our parents and to tie what we lean around our neck and upon our head -together they paint a picture of what we are to do in Christ's name - love those who are lost -help those who are burdened - and live for Christ in all we do!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Pray for Chalmus – my boss’ husband –he now back at work -thanks for praying!
It's time once again for the traveling church signs-
send in yours today and happy travels!

We are either bridges of encouragment or barriers from it
(unknown location)
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 7/16/08 -
Read the WORD - Breathe in the WORD and Live the WORD!

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