

The Daily Blueprint / Wednesday / 7-2-08

Psalms & Proverbs - Day 1

Psalm 1:1
Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful.

If you want to be blessed - what should you do?
Talk a walk with Jesus and never walk away from Him!
Today I am beginning a new series - the Psalm & Proverb series - I will feature a verse from each book for each day of this month -
taking breaks here and there - but I believe this will be a rich source for us all to read and heed - so without further adieu - here it is!

There is much in the life we live for Christ that talks about walking -we are to walk in HIS ways not in the way of sinners - as the world around us contiunes to make its trek further and further from the truth of God's word - we must ground ourselves in it - after seeing how other people of this world live last week and seeing their love and their joy -one thing I noticed is their love for God's word - I often wonder why we sometimes neglict God's Word- we are often just too busy to read it - too busy to add just one more thing to our lives- but without the Word we will starve to death spirutally - Ive seen it time and time again in my life- my closesness to God sometimes is stifled because I am doing what I think is more important things -if you want to walk with JESUS you must know HIS words - for without them -we are empty! His WORD is life! Feed on it - dwell on it - and walk with JESUS!

Proverbs 1:2
...To know wisdom and instruction; to precieve the words of understanding...

The mission of the book of Proverbs is to show us what is good and what is bad - its simple but oh so complex - many times we read the Word and hear some good advise but when it comes time to actually apply it - we seem to forget what we just read - we must allow God's Spirit to reveal the truth in the Word - there is a theme here that we must be willing to actually consume the word each day -it is literaly our daily bread - we gain much wisdom from the book of Proverbs - little nuggets of wisdom each day - we must be willing to listen to God's instruction and also apply it to our lives - our mission - be like JESUS
the way it happens - through prayer - through the Word and through God's Spirit!

footnote: Palms & Proverbs - one a day keeps sin away! Amen!
CHRIST reveals Himself through the Word of God
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
July 4th - F R E E D O M - speical edtion devotional coming Friday!
Livin in Prayer will be on Sunday this week -please send in your Praises & Requests!
Contiune to pray for the family that lost their only Son on Sunday during a freak wind gust that blew over a tent at the Airshow here in Huntsville - the child who was in ICU - age 7 - is now in a regular room - he has been upgraded to serious condition - thanks.
It's time once again for the traveling church signs-
send in yours today and happy travels!

YOUR CHURCH SIGN RIGHT HERE:______________________________________
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 7/2/08 -
Man cannot live by bread alone - God says we must live by HIS word!

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