

The Daily Blueprint / Thursday / 7-17-08

Psalms & Proverbs - Day 9

Psalm 2:3
....Let us break their bands of asunder, and cast away their cords from us...

Today's verse leaves off from yesterday's - here there are people wanting to pillage and destroy someone else - take their possessions and keep it for themselves - the put some unsuspecting person asunder - this talks of those who are out for blood - out to satisfy themselves at any cost -and if anyone should get in their way or prevent them from having what they want - they won't think twice about ending the lives of those who won't give into them - there are a great many power hungry people that when they begin to obtain power - they begin to take over - they don't want anyone to tell them what to do -they don't want to have to submit to anyone but themselves - they are self seekers - looking out for number 1 is their creed - no love is found in their lives and they may have the whole world but yet lose their soul - see this world is upside down - in God's eyes -the first will be last and the last first -those who seek to save their lives will lose them - but those who submit to God will be blessed...lets live a blessed life!

Proverbs 1:10
My son is sinners entice you, don't consent to it.

In the world around us - temptation is everywhere - all you have to do is flip on the TV or the radio and there it is in our face - the entertainment that is available today will ruin many people's lives- the enemy works in subtle ways - most times we don't even see what he is doing to us through us - its so sad that we live in a world and country that looks down on morals - looks down on the law of God - and believes that if the good outweighs the bad - we get to go into God's kingdom - the God that many of them don't even believe in - my point is sinners will be here as long as the world keeps spinning - so we must get used to the constant bombardment of messages that say its ok to have sex outside of marriage - that its ok to go out and drink and party your live way - that its ok to just make up for the bad by doing good - that its ok to take a human life that has not had a chance to live - I know this is very graphic and in your face -as it should be - the enemy wants to brush stuff under the rug - he wants to make what's wrong seem right and what's right seem wrong! Be careful- don't let others cause you to sin - don't give into their advances - live in Christ and He will live in you.
Don't give in to those who want you to get caught in their sin.

footnote: There is evil in this world - that's bad - but GOD is good!
CHRIST forgives our sin but also gives us strength to not sin!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
It's time once again for the traveling church signs-
send in yours today and happy travels!

Learn from the mistakes of others...
Moores Mill, Alabama
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 7/17/08 -
God is more good then the world is bad!

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