

The Daily Blueprint / Thursday / 6-10-08

Be Still

Psalm 46:10
Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the Earth!

Each day I try and pray on my way to work and from work -some days are easier then others- the days I am distracted are the hardest - There is always so much to do - always rushing around -it seems like we never have enough time - many forgo prayer because of lack of time - God's Word says for us to redeem the time - to use what we have - I make it a habit to pray during my commute - I also play music - this helps me get ready for the day - during this prayer time I can hear God speak - its amazing - its not audible - but sometimes when I get still enough I can hear Him - many times its not what I expected - on the way home yesterday evening - I struggled to enter into my prayer time - it was hard - I had a long day at work and had been out shopping - it seems I cannot ever stay caught up - and I know I am not alone in this feeling - I just felt God saying that we have far too many distractions in our lives- not that they are bad in themselves -we must care for our family and we must pay our bills - we must do our civic duty (i.e. mow the yard!) sometimes we go and go never slowing down enough to hear from God - Jesus is our example - He got away from it all and prayed - He never allowed distractions to mess up His time with the Father - all the loudness of our business must stop at times so we can focus or in many cases refocus our attention on our Father God.
Lets make it a habit to be still - no matter how much the world around us wants us to move -its time to be still and know the HE is GOD!

footnote: sometimes the best thing is to do is still...and know...that's all.....
CHRIST moves in our lives to in order to cause us to be still.
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Livin in The Word will take a 2 week beginning on June 16th--the last week of this month (June 21-28) will be spent on a Mission Trip to Baja Mexico - pray for me and all the others who are going. Next Saturday's (June 14th) Livin in Prayer will be the last one until July5th.. Thanks! Daniel
it's time once again for CHURCH SIGNS!

YOUR CHURCH SIGN RIGHT HERE:______________________________________
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 6/12/08 -
God's Voice Should Always Drown Out All Other Voices!

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