

The Daily Blueprint / Thursday / 7-24-08

Psalms & Proverbs - Day 13

Psalm 2:7
I Will declare the decree: the Lord has said unto me, You are My Son; this day I have begotten You...

The words of this Psalm is quoted elsewhere in God's Word - I believe when Jesus was being baptized in the Jordan -God said these words - Jesus is the Son of God - no matter how much people will debate that - the truth remains true no matter what people try and say about it -
Jesus is God's only Son - for John 3:16 Says that God so loved the world that He gave...HIS ONLY that those who believe in Him shall not parish by have eternal life - its a limited deal - apart from Christ there is no salvation - without His scarfice we would be without hope - Praise GOD for this indiscriable gift -says Paul - We must be willing to go to the ends of the earth with the message of God's unending love for the people of this world - Jesus is The Son of God -
You can bank your whole eternity on that! Amen!

Proverbs 1:14
Cast in your lot among us, let us all have one purse...

Those who don't know God will try various methods to live thier lives by - some will turn to the occult - card readers (I don't mean what you have on your computers that read cards) I mean those who base their whole life on luck - on the roll of the dice - when Jesus was being murdered on the cross the soldiers there cast lots to see who would get His clothes - today people live their lives based on horoscopes or psyics - beliving it to be harmless fun - the enemy uses these things to take God's children away - some may say such a statement is way overboard - but its the truth - satan is stuble and he will destroy as many lives as he can - he will tear apart marriages and sadly many unknowingly let satan into their lives and from there it all goes south - we must stand up against the foe of our souls in the power of JESUS - The false gods of this world will one day be banshed forever and the King of Kings will take His rightful place as ruler and King!
Praise God!

footnote: where is your faith today? Is it on JESUS or on yourself?
CHRIST died so we could live - we die to self so we can be saved!

Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Coming tomorrow - another Friday flashback -

Coming Saturday - Livin in Prayer - lets go to GOD in prayer .
a month of devotionals dedicated to our response
to the needs of those around us in Jesus' Name
It's time once again for the traveling church signs-
send in yours today and happy travels!

Send in your Church Sign today!

- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 7/24/08
God sent JESUS to save the world.


The Daily Blueprint / Wednesday / 7-23-08

Psalms & Proverbs - Day 12

Psalm 2:6
Yet I have set my King upon My Holy Hill of Zion.

Today's Psalm passage is interesting to me - Jesus is known as the King of the Jews but also the King of kings - God the Father has set His King upon the Holy Hill of Zion - to me I believe this points to Jesus the Christ - He was killed on a hill for us - He laid His life down on the hill of Calvary - He came willingly and left in the just the same - the Word says like a Lamb going to the slaughter - Jesus could have fought His captives and won - no one could hold Him back - He had to be willing - God placed all authority on Jesus - He was proud of His Son!
Jesus died on a hill but rose again - and then later accended to heaven on a hill - Jesus always went on the mountain to pray - you could call it a hill - some say that hills bring us closer to God the Father - but I believe the point was Jesus got away from everything and everyone to a solitary place - we need to do the same thing - how long has it been since you got away from it all and just listened to the still voice of God?
For me its been far too long! Look for ways this day to separate from everyone and everything - come apart and sit at the feet of Jesus!

Proverbs 1:13
We shall find all precious substance, we shall all fill our houses with spoil....

Ah - here we go - this excites the world- wealth - money - power - this is what the world around us craves - fame is also another thing that appeals to our flesh - the world is all about its own glory - its all about self - this is opposite of the example Jesus has left us - He didn't put His trust in man - why? Because HE knew what was in the heart of man - and things my friends have not changed in 2000 or more years -greed is the name of the game - in the cooperate world its step on as many people as you can on the way up and don't worry about that sudden fall - the world says to have it your way - its all about you - the ads you see daily say its all about you - so it must be true? This is not the truth - God's way is always best - this is not our home and I am seeing just how worthless the things of this ol world are compared to the glory that is to follow! Lets keep our eyes focused on Heaven but realize we live in a real world -with real issues that matter - lets fight the good fight of faith - know Jesus is with us! Amen!

footnote: Jesus is set apart - Holy -
we are His people and must follow HIS lead..
CHRIST brought victory out of what seemed defeat!

Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Pray for Michael - unspoken request for today -details to follow...
a month of devotionals dedicated to our response
to the needs of those around us in Jesus' Name
It's time once again for the traveling church signs-
send in yours today and happy travels!

When under a heavy load: Bend at the knees!
Huntsville (Five Points) Alabama
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 7/23/08
Bow at the feet of JESUS - HE is our King!


The Daily Blueprint / Tuesday / 7-22-08

Psalms & Proverbs - Day 11

Psalm 2:5
Then shall He speak to them in His wrath, and trouble (vex) them in His great (sore) displeasure...

God hates sin - period - I had a debate with someone last night about sin - they said that a certain lifestyle was nothing more then an alternative to what God says - they made it seem like that it was ok to bend the rules a little here and there and if no one is getting hurt then it must be ok - this is a scary place to be at if you ask me - sin is sin - that's true - God sent Jesus to die because of sin -that's how strongly He feels about sin -some feel that since our sins are forgiven we can do whatever we want and no consequences - I know JESUS Paid the price for our sin and this brings us to heaven one day - as a glorified child of God - but to go on sinning just because it will be forgiven is foolish and does not honor God at all - as I continued to talk to this person -they got more angry at me as I went on - but all I was doing was stating that God hates sin - He does - but praise HIM that HE brought Jesus down from heaven to bore our sins and give us salvation - lets never take a light view of sin - God hates sin - but He loves the sinners - and I am very thankful for that - again I am a sinner saved -that's it - nothing more! Our sins will send us to hell if it were not for Jesus and His blood poured out for us! Amen and Praise God!

Proverbs 1:12
...let us swallow them up alive as the grave; and whole. as those that go down into the pit:....

Today's selection continues from the one presented last night - its not surprising to anyone these days - that this world is evil - if you let your guard down - prepare for being taken advantage of - Identity theft is a popular way for those who don't have to have instantly - to say we are someone we are not is evil - its a lie and its not the truth - if we follow the crowd we might just join is such things without originally wanting too - we must be careful - we must not be taken away by foolishness into a life of sin -we must always stand our ground against sin - even if our sins are forgiven -they still cost us very much- here and now there is a price that will have to be paid - so be watchful of those who try and tempt you and get you to do something you know in your heart of hearts is wrong - be strong in the Lord and He will deliver you!You can still count on God - that will never change - be watchful and when evil goes East - go West Young Man! (thanks to Michael W. Smith!) this was one of his songs in the late 1980's...check it out!

footnote: God is never wrong - He has never been defeated - and never will - He is always there and will always be there - period!
CHRIST brought us life through His death

Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Pray for Michael - unspoken request for tomorrow - details to follow.
a month of devotionals dedicated to our response
to the needs of those around us in Jesus' Name
It's time once again for the traveling church signs-
send in yours today and happy travels!

When under a heavy load: Bend at the knees!
Huntsville (Five Points) Alabama
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 7/22/08
Live what you know for God's glory!


The Daily Blueprint / Monday / 7-21-08

Psalms & Proverbs - Day 10

Psalm 2:4
He that sits in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

I had to look up the world derision - and when I did I found out what it meant - this is the defintion: Contempt or ridicule! I have never claimed to be a wordsmith - so bear with me! To me this verse just shows us how confident God is - what does He do when people think they can take Him down? He laughs -but He knows there is no one as powerful as He is - He ridicules those who make an attempt to destory God's plans - He is so confident that He never has to worry - What HE desires will come to pass - we can either work with Him or against Him - but bear in mind the path of least resistance is to with Him not against Him - how prideful it is to think we could ever tell God what to do!
Some people think prayer is just that - telling God what to do - but its not really - its more listening to God and obeying His plan that He has set in place long before we ever came on the scene!
God is confident! if you want to battle against Him -be ready for Him to laugh in your face! He is God and there is none like Him!
He loves you but will laugh at your plans! =-)

Proverbs 1:11
If they say, come with us, let us lay and wait for blood, let us lurk for the innocent without cause...

This verse describes satan to a tee - its acurate when it says that the enemy lays in wait for blood - and he attacks without cause - he wants to take away our faith and will use any number of tactics that get that accomplished - those without Christ will try and intice us to follow them - when we are living for Christ -the world wants to take our faith away - if we make a stand for what is right -we can be riduculed - we could even lose our very lives - but the price to be paid is with it - when we boldy stand up to those in oppestion to God's will with a steadfast no! We don't have to go where those of this world go -we don't have to chase after the things of this world because in CHRIST we have all we need- so next time they want you to go with them! Just say no!

footnote: God is alone at the top - none above Him -
He is the Alpha and Omega!
CHRIST longs for us to surrender -
lets lift the white flag over our lives!

Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Pray for those who have lost loved ones this month - pray for restoration for seveal people I know who are having marriage problems- thank you.

Also Sue is returning to work after being out six months -she had a stoke but is doing better.
It's time once again for the traveling church signs-
send in yours today and happy travels!

When under a heavy load: Bend at the knees!
Huntsville (Five Points) Alabama
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 7/218 -
Praise the LORD- four children were sponcered at the concert me and my brother-in-law worked on Saturday - thanks for your prayers!

Pray for God's strength and protection for Heidy, a field-based facilitator in Indoenesia, while she is on her three month pregancy leave....thanks.
If you would like more info on Compassion's Child Sponsorship - please visit
Thanks! Please consider sponsoring a child! You will not regret it! Thank you!

In response to the Great Commission, Compassion International exists as an advocate for children, to release them from their spiritual, economic, and physically poverty and enable them to become responsible and fulfilled Christian adults.
PRAYER POINT from Samaritan's Purse......


Pray for the Millions of earthquake surivors as they struggle to rebuild their lives.
Pray for Chinese Christians as they work to demonstrate the love of Christ to their fellow countrymen.
Pray for God to give SP the opportunities and recourses to work alongside the Chinese Church in ministering to the surivors. Thanks!




God's Word is the blueprint for a life lived for Christ


The Daily Blueprint / Thursday / 7-17-08

Psalms & Proverbs - Day 9

Psalm 2:3
....Let us break their bands of asunder, and cast away their cords from us...

Today's verse leaves off from yesterday's - here there are people wanting to pillage and destroy someone else - take their possessions and keep it for themselves - the put some unsuspecting person asunder - this talks of those who are out for blood - out to satisfy themselves at any cost -and if anyone should get in their way or prevent them from having what they want - they won't think twice about ending the lives of those who won't give into them - there are a great many power hungry people that when they begin to obtain power - they begin to take over - they don't want anyone to tell them what to do -they don't want to have to submit to anyone but themselves - they are self seekers - looking out for number 1 is their creed - no love is found in their lives and they may have the whole world but yet lose their soul - see this world is upside down - in God's eyes -the first will be last and the last first -those who seek to save their lives will lose them - but those who submit to God will be blessed...lets live a blessed life!

Proverbs 1:10
My son is sinners entice you, don't consent to it.

In the world around us - temptation is everywhere - all you have to do is flip on the TV or the radio and there it is in our face - the entertainment that is available today will ruin many people's lives- the enemy works in subtle ways - most times we don't even see what he is doing to us through us - its so sad that we live in a world and country that looks down on morals - looks down on the law of God - and believes that if the good outweighs the bad - we get to go into God's kingdom - the God that many of them don't even believe in - my point is sinners will be here as long as the world keeps spinning - so we must get used to the constant bombardment of messages that say its ok to have sex outside of marriage - that its ok to go out and drink and party your live way - that its ok to just make up for the bad by doing good - that its ok to take a human life that has not had a chance to live - I know this is very graphic and in your face -as it should be - the enemy wants to brush stuff under the rug - he wants to make what's wrong seem right and what's right seem wrong! Be careful- don't let others cause you to sin - don't give into their advances - live in Christ and He will live in you.
Don't give in to those who want you to get caught in their sin.

footnote: There is evil in this world - that's bad - but GOD is good!
CHRIST forgives our sin but also gives us strength to not sin!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
It's time once again for the traveling church signs-
send in yours today and happy travels!

Learn from the mistakes of others...
Moores Mill, Alabama
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 7/17/08 -
God is more good then the world is bad!


The Daily Blueprint / Wednesday / 7-16-08

Psalms & Proverbs - Day 8

Psalm 2:2
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against His anointed...

Today's verse is another reminder that we live in a world of sin and of evil - actually just looking at the news or on the web - its in our face daily - one problem we begin to face is our desensitize toward all that is going on around us on this planet - taken the wrong way it can cause us to doubt God - but when we fail to see this world for what it is - we cheapen the grace of God - to see what state this world is in today and know that there is a God in heaven who loves us is much differnt from the world's responce - they who don't know God still blame Him - how odd! - its only by God's living Spirit within us - its only by the Holy Spirit's revealing that we know Christ - we need to keep our eyes focused on God and not the problems and evils around us -they can consume us if we allow them to - the kings of this world - those who oppose and oppress the Gospel - are out for blood - they want to kill every bit of Jesus in us - but God won't allow that to happen - remember we are in a world full of sin and evil - we should not be surprised by what we read on the front page of the paper or on the web - lets love JESUS through it all and the reward will be ours through the shed blood of the Lamb!

Proverbs 1:9
For they shall be an ornament of grace around your head, and chains around your neck..

I love the visual of this verse - the instructions that we receive from our parents should be like a hat on our head and chains around our neck - to me it means that we need to live in such a way that there is a hat on our head and chains around our neck - they are there even when those around us cannot see them - but it should always remain with us -we should never get too old or too wise for advise - because without seeing it from another perspective -we won't see the whole picture but just a part - God created us from relationships - with Him and with others around us - He did not make us to live alone -
This verse reminds me of a song from The Small Town Poets - Garment of Grace - this is what Christ brought from us - trading our unrighteous rags for HIS righteous clothing - we are brand new once we put on His clothes! Lets ware the robe of Righteousness so that the world can see JESUS in us! Lets put that on and serve others in HIS name!

footnote: Today's Psalm tells us of those who are enemies to the Cross of Christ -Proverbs tells us to listen to our parents and to tie what we lean around our neck and upon our head -together they paint a picture of what we are to do in Christ's name - love those who are lost -help those who are burdened - and live for Christ in all we do!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Pray for Chalmus – my boss’ husband –he now back at work -thanks for praying!
It's time once again for the traveling church signs-
send in yours today and happy travels!

We are either bridges of encouragment or barriers from it
(unknown location)
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 7/16/08 -
Read the WORD - Breathe in the WORD and Live the WORD!


The Daily Blueprint / Tuesday / 7-15-08

Psalms & Proverbs - Day 7

Psalm 2:1
Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

Today's Psalm asks the question why do the heathen rage - those who don't know Christ as Savior - rage against God - they don't consciously think about it I don't believe -they simply ignore His pleads - they claim they don't want to have the peace that comes from knowing Christ - many claim they are doing just fine and that they don't need anything from anyone - the world around us is lost - most of us have awaken to that fact - just look at our Nation - she once was tied to God's Word like no other nation before her - and yet now - many want to wipe away the truth of our history and replace it with vain things - many desire riches of this world - instead of the riches of God - as the Word says -what does it profit to gain the whole world but lose your soul - the answer is its of no profit to lose your soul - for that is all that will live on - while the world wastes away on vain stories that are not of the truth - we who have the truth - must work to get the message out -we must be willing to fight the fight of faith -the very fight of our lives..lets get out there and fight - through God's divine power - allowing His will to be done. Amen

Proverbs 1:8
My son, hear the instruction of your Father, and forsake not the law of your Mother:....

We are to listen to our parents even when we feel their rules are old fashioned or if we don't want to obey them - we must do as God tells us to do and honor them - now we may not always agree with them - but God says to honor them - I will even go as far to say we must honor them even when they fail us - even when the let us down - as I see it we must respect them so we can respect God - if we struggle to do this -maybe we need to look at our lives and see what is in our hearts - our parents where used to bring us into the world- and we will always be their children - no matter how old we get -or how much they may have messed up - many of your are of single parent upbringing - that's very sad - but I too was that way growing up - but God saw me through and has given me compassion for those who also have struggled through life without both parents - remember God is the Father of the Fatherless - just the other day God showed me that even if I don't have any physical children - I can be a Father-figure to those who God places in my path - I can love them - and show them that God loves them - let God use you today - be wise -listen to your parents!

footnote: whatever you do - always listen to God first! amen!~
CHRIST shows us the way - we must following Him in it!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Pray for Chalmus – my boss’ husband –he is currently in the hosptial and needs healingFrom a heart condition –thank you for praying - Daniel
It's time once again for the traveling church signs-
send in yours today and happy travels!

from Mentone Alabama
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 7/15/08 -
God's Word is alive -allow it to change your heart!
The Daily Blueprint / Friday / 7-11-08

Psalms & Proverbs - Day 6

Psalm 1:6
For the Lord knows the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.

Simply put -this is what God thinks of people - there are two groups - those who know Christ and those who He longs to know Christ -God does not send anyone to hell- they go by their own choice - God loves everyone for He made all people -there is not a single person God does not love - That is His nature - but with all the love HE has - He is also righteous - and He must punish sin - and those who don't walk with Him have no choice to live in sin - unless they change and seek after Him - for the Holy Spirit is drawing them -they all have a choice - God gave us His Son to take away the penalty of sin - and because of His precious blood we now live forever- sin is no longer our ruler - God is.
Lets live righteously not for ourselves but for those who are watching us - our lives should bring God glory!

Proverbs 1:7
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Today's verse says that the beginning of knowledge is the fear of the Lord- that's what we all need to do in our lives- fear God - many times many people don't understand what it means to fear God - simply it means to submit to Him and obey Him - even when its hard to do so - we must be willing to have enough wisdom to know that God is good and that HE loves us - therefore we should fear Him - for He has the power to shut this world down in an instant - He made us and He can unmake us quickly - lets honor and fear the LORD for HIS righteousness goes higher then the highest mountain and His love for us brought Him all the way down to us! Praise JESUS!

footnote: God is Love but HE is also Righteous!
CHRIST shows us what it means to submit to the Father!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Pray for Paul R's Mom - she was sent to the ER yesterday and may have had a heart attack - more info tomorrow-
LIVIN IN PRAYER RUNS TOMORROW! Send in your Praises and Prayer requests!
It's time once again for the traveling church signs-
send in yours today and happy travels!

We are not saved by good works - but for good works...
-Union Grove , Alabama
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 7/11/08 -
Either follow this world or follow Christ-
You cannot do both!


The Daily Blueprint / Thursday / 7-10-08

Psalms & Proverbs - Day 5

Psalm 1:5
Therefore the ungodly will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.

Today's Psalm gives us the facts- the unrightous will not stand in the day of judgment - they may be having a great time right now - but all sin costs - it cost lives - sin causes death - those who deny Christ and won't accept them as their Savior - will have a bad day on that day when Christ returns - this is not something we should rejoice in but instead we should have compassion on those who are lost around us - we may be the only Bible they see - we may be the only glimpse of Jesus they will ever see - sin may be fun for a season - but the price to be paid is never worth whatever temporary pleasure may be derived from that sin - the cost of sin is great -so great that JESUS had to die for it - He paid our price - praise HIM for that and pray for those who don't know Christ - do whatever God leads you to do - and do it with all you have! Allow God to use you today!

Proverbs 1:6
To understand a Proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings.

Again today Proverbs talks about the purpose of the book itself - these words are from the very wise of God - and along with the right way to do whatever it is - there is also a wrong way - and with every good point - there is a sadly bad point to go along with it - all throughout this great book of wisdom -we see this pattern - I believe this verse says dark sayings because when the person the writer was talking about sinned against God there were grave consequences -they may see tough at times that's because they are - but we do serve a Righteous God and He expects perfection - the truth of the matter is none of us met the mark - none of us can live it right all the time - thus we needed Jesus to save us - then again if you live as the book of Proverbs requests your life will be blessed - but please note - what we perceive as blessings may not be what God had in mind - He blesses us His way - not the way we want to be blessed! Live the life for Christ our LORD!

footnote: Sin will never bring blessings to our lives - but trusting and obeying the LORD JESUS will!
CHRIST bring us back to life from sure death!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Pray for those who don't know JESUS that they will be saved!
It's time once again for the traveling church signs-
send in yours today and happy travels!

The more dirty the pages of our Bible are, the cleaner our lives will be.
-Lexington Kentucky
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 7/10/08 -
When CHRIST speaks - we must listen!


The Daily Blueprint / Wednesday / 7-9-08

Psalms & Proverbs - Day 4

Psalm 1:4
The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind drives away.

Today's Psalm selection shifts gears and now describes someone who is not following after God -someone who by actions or words denies that God even exists - this person will be lead astray by any and every doctrine that is not true that comes along - and thus are blow like leaves in the wind - no real direction - no real meaning - just drifting along - doing what only pleases themselves -without any though to the God of creation that made them and gave them life - I have to admit I do know people who just drift along with no purpose -no life that I can see - only in CHRIST do we have real life -we can chase after the things of the world if we want too - but the end is worthless - what does it profit to gain it all but lose your soul? Pray for those who don't know Christ and let your life minister to them! Don't get lost in the wind!

Proverbs 1:5
A wise man will hear and increase in learning; and a man of understanding shall attain to wise counsels...

What we hear is not as important as how we apply what we hear - if we spend all our time just listening but not acting upon what we have learned -we are just wasting our time - we must consult God's word to life the life He has called us to live - the Word and Prayer will bring us to a fuller understanding of just who God is. Another good use of God's Word is when you have a very important decision to make - you can consult His word and find the answer there as God reveals it through His Spirit - apart from that there is no real understanding - just like the Psalm for today - don't be moved in the wind but be moved instead by God's Divine Spirit! Listen - Learn and then apply!

footnote: With our roots deep into God - we won't be carried away by the wind of this world- but will be moved by the Holy Spirit.
CHRIST taught us who He is through HIS word!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
John R (of Ga) had successful surgery to remove cancer yesterday!
It's time once again for the traveling church signs-
send in yours today and happy travels!

Going the extra mile is never crowded
-Huntsville Alabama
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 7/9/08 -
Watch - Wait - Wonder - but learn through it all
The Daily Blueprint / Wednesday / 7-9-08

Psalms & Proverbs - Day 4

Psalm 1:4
The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind drives away.

Today's Psalm selection shifts gears and now describes someone who is not following after God -someone who by actions or words denies that God even exists - this person will be lead astray by any and every doctrine that is not true that comes along - and thus are blow like leaves in the wind - no real direction - no real meaning - just drifting along - doing what only pleases themselves -without any though to the God of creation that made them and gave them life - I have to admit I do know people who just drift along with no purpose -no life that I can see - only in CHRIST do we have real life -we can chase after the things of the world if we want too - but the end is worthless - what does it profit to gain it all but lose your soul? Pray for those who don't know Christ and let your life minister to them! Don't get lost in the wind!

Proverbs 1:5
A wise man will hear and increase in learning; and a man of understanding shall attain to wise counsels...

What we hear is not as important as how we apply what we hear - if we spend all our time just listening but not acting upon what we have learned -we are just wasting our time - we must consult God's word to life the life He has called us to live - the Word and Prayer will bring us to a fuller understanding of just who God is. Another good use of God's Word is when you have a very important decision to make - you can consult His word and find the answer there as God reveals it through His Spirit - apart from that there is no real understanding - just like the Psalm for today - don't be moved in the wind but be moved instead by God's Divine Spirit! Listen - Learn and then apply!

footnote: With our roots deep into God - we won't be carried away by the wind of this world- but will be moved by the Holy Spirit.
CHRIST taught us who He is through HIS word!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
John R (of Ga) had successful surgery to remove cancer yesterday!
It's time once again for the traveling church signs-
send in yours today and happy travels!

Going the extra mile is never crowded
-Huntsville Alabama
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 7/9/08 -
Watch - Wait - Wonder - but learn through it all


The Daily Blueprint / Tuesday / 7-8-08

Psalms & Proverbs - Day 3

Psalm 1:3
...He shall be a like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit in his season; His leaf shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.

Today's Psalm reading contiunes on the same theme about a man who follows God - if we are firmly planted in God - then our lives will produce good fruit- its where we get our source of life from that counts - and like the roots of a tree -what we are made of is not always seen on the surface but if you go deep - you will see where our roots are getting thier life from - apart from God we can do nothing - this is why God calls Himself the vine in John 15:5 - this is the truth - if our lives flow from the living water Jesus give us - we will produce life -however if our roots are into the sand of this world - we will only produce death (sin)
lets be sure our roots go deep into Jesus and that we allow His Living Water to flow through us!

Proverbs 1:4 give subtilty to the simple, to the young man knowlege and discretion.

Its obvious to me that the man mentioned in Psalm Chapter 1 followed the advice that comes from the book of Proverbs - a man with knowledge and discretion will go far in life - however a man without either is lost without hope and heading in all kinds of directions - the man of God follows after God - that's what his life is all about - there is where true lasting wisdom is found - and just like today's Psalm - this proverbs backs us what Psalm 1:3 has said - we get all we need from Jesus - if we look any where else we will be incomplete - oh you can try and live your life apart from God but it is never ever wise -

footnote: Where are your roots? How deep into God do they go?
CHRIST is our life source!
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
I forgot to write this yesterday in Livin in Prayer
My Friend Alan and his Wife Heather celebrated 1 year together yesterday!
It's time once again for the traveling church signs-
send in yours today and happy travels!

God is what is right- we are what is wrong-
-Huntsville Alabama
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 7/8/08 -


The Daily Blueprint / Thursday / 7-3-08

Psalms & Proverbs - Day 2

Psalm 1:2
But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His law does he meditate day and night.

Yesterday I began this series talking about a man who is fully rooted in the Word of God -today I continue with this same man - what delights this man of God? Its not worldly riches - its not the food he eats - its not the house he lives in - and its not whether or not he has the latest fashions - but its in the law of the Lord - while the world around us does it best to obtain possessions - the people of God should be focusing on pleasing God not pleasing themselves- this to me is the bottom line - do we delight in the law of the Lord like we should?
Pounder that question as I move on to today's Proverb verse.......

Proverbs 1:3
To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment, and equality...

The book of Proverbs is rich in wisdom - and its awesome that it has 31 chapters - makes it a good book to read each day of the month - today's verse talks again about the purpose of the book -
the instruction contained in this book brings us wisdom and shows us justice and how we all come to God on equal ground - Jesus came to save us all - lets be careful to read one chapter a day from Proverbs and Psalms and see if you don't have a better grasp on what God is like and what He expects from us - His children - Proverbs and Psalms together will bring about a clearer understanding of God's plan for our lives and of those around us - listen to what God's word has to say!

footnote: Loving God's Word is very important to getting to know the Author! We must take in the Word each day to know God better!


CHRIST gave HIS life and gave us HIS word!

Praises, Prayers & Previews:
July 4th - F R E E D O M - special edition devotional coming tomorrow!


Livin in Prayer will be on Sunday this week -please send in your Praises & Requests!


Continue to pray for the family that lost their only Son on Sunday during a freak wind gust that blew over a tent at the Airshow here in Huntsville - the child who was in ICU - age 7 - is now in a regular room - he has been upgraded to serious condition - thanks.


Next Month I plan to do a series on the poor and our response to their condition. D<><


It's time once again for the traveling church signs-
send in yours today and happy travels!

Prevent truth decay. Brush up on your Bible!
presented by Kathleen C!


- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 7/3/08 -
Drink deeply the WORD OF GOD


The Daily Blueprint / Wednesday / 7-2-08

Psalms & Proverbs - Day 1

Psalm 1:1
Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful.

If you want to be blessed - what should you do?
Talk a walk with Jesus and never walk away from Him!
Today I am beginning a new series - the Psalm & Proverb series - I will feature a verse from each book for each day of this month -
taking breaks here and there - but I believe this will be a rich source for us all to read and heed - so without further adieu - here it is!

There is much in the life we live for Christ that talks about walking -we are to walk in HIS ways not in the way of sinners - as the world around us contiunes to make its trek further and further from the truth of God's word - we must ground ourselves in it - after seeing how other people of this world live last week and seeing their love and their joy -one thing I noticed is their love for God's word - I often wonder why we sometimes neglict God's Word- we are often just too busy to read it - too busy to add just one more thing to our lives- but without the Word we will starve to death spirutally - Ive seen it time and time again in my life- my closesness to God sometimes is stifled because I am doing what I think is more important things -if you want to walk with JESUS you must know HIS words - for without them -we are empty! His WORD is life! Feed on it - dwell on it - and walk with JESUS!

Proverbs 1:2
...To know wisdom and instruction; to precieve the words of understanding...

The mission of the book of Proverbs is to show us what is good and what is bad - its simple but oh so complex - many times we read the Word and hear some good advise but when it comes time to actually apply it - we seem to forget what we just read - we must allow God's Spirit to reveal the truth in the Word - there is a theme here that we must be willing to actually consume the word each day -it is literaly our daily bread - we gain much wisdom from the book of Proverbs - little nuggets of wisdom each day - we must be willing to listen to God's instruction and also apply it to our lives - our mission - be like JESUS
the way it happens - through prayer - through the Word and through God's Spirit!

footnote: Palms & Proverbs - one a day keeps sin away! Amen!
CHRIST reveals Himself through the Word of God
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
July 4th - F R E E D O M - speical edtion devotional coming Friday!
Livin in Prayer will be on Sunday this week -please send in your Praises & Requests!
Contiune to pray for the family that lost their only Son on Sunday during a freak wind gust that blew over a tent at the Airshow here in Huntsville - the child who was in ICU - age 7 - is now in a regular room - he has been upgraded to serious condition - thanks.
It's time once again for the traveling church signs-
send in yours today and happy travels!

YOUR CHURCH SIGN RIGHT HERE:______________________________________
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 7/2/08 -
Man cannot live by bread alone - God says we must live by HIS word!
The Daily Blueprint / Thursday / 6-10-08

Be Still

Psalm 46:10
Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the Earth!

Each day I try and pray on my way to work and from work -some days are easier then others- the days I am distracted are the hardest - There is always so much to do - always rushing around -it seems like we never have enough time - many forgo prayer because of lack of time - God's Word says for us to redeem the time - to use what we have - I make it a habit to pray during my commute - I also play music - this helps me get ready for the day - during this prayer time I can hear God speak - its amazing - its not audible - but sometimes when I get still enough I can hear Him - many times its not what I expected - on the way home yesterday evening - I struggled to enter into my prayer time - it was hard - I had a long day at work and had been out shopping - it seems I cannot ever stay caught up - and I know I am not alone in this feeling - I just felt God saying that we have far too many distractions in our lives- not that they are bad in themselves -we must care for our family and we must pay our bills - we must do our civic duty (i.e. mow the yard!) sometimes we go and go never slowing down enough to hear from God - Jesus is our example - He got away from it all and prayed - He never allowed distractions to mess up His time with the Father - all the loudness of our business must stop at times so we can focus or in many cases refocus our attention on our Father God.
Lets make it a habit to be still - no matter how much the world around us wants us to move -its time to be still and know the HE is GOD!

footnote: sometimes the best thing is to do is still...and know...that's all.....
CHRIST moves in our lives to in order to cause us to be still.
Praises, Prayers & Previews:
Livin in The Word will take a 2 week beginning on June 16th--the last week of this month (June 21-28) will be spent on a Mission Trip to Baja Mexico - pray for me and all the others who are going. Next Saturday's (June 14th) Livin in Prayer will be the last one until July5th.. Thanks! Daniel
it's time once again for CHURCH SIGNS!

YOUR CHURCH SIGN RIGHT HERE:______________________________________
- LIVIN IN THE WORD - 6/12/08 -
God's Voice Should Always Drown Out All Other Voices!