

Random-Ridiculous Rambleings #2


Well this is my second entry of the week - Ive had a major sinus infection and have not really been doing much -which is a good thing as I've had extra time to pray -to see God's face - just what I needed! Amen! Due to my sickness I was not able to go to church on Sunday - I spent some time out of doors with my dog and read the WORD and Daily Bread and listened to some music on my mp3 player and this thought came to me -I feel God has something He wants to tell us:

The first thing I have to say is I am secure in WHAT CHRIST DID - its not about perfect church attendance- that does not save you - it cannot save you -its all about God's gift to us - that cannot be earned -but with that said God brought this to my attention -while going to CHURCH cannot save you -its a good thing - where else can you go with a group of people who serve the save Savior? In the world we are dispursed around - but in the church we are together and the truth be known we are in this together- and with these thoughts came the revelation that while this Ministry is important - it can never take the place of the church -you cannot replicate what the church can do - its all about serving our brothers and sisters in CHRIST - its by being involved with others- and you can do this in the church - many feel they can worship the LORD without Church and you can -but its so much better with others who believe what you believe and who will support you and have the common goal of serving CHRIST-
The CHURCH is GOD'S design and He wants us to be together in THIS - HE Wants us to love one another -if you don't go to church - why not try it this weekend? You may find that missing link that can set your faith on fire!
God bless you-

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